Chapter 3

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"Coach Atharv resigned", Sonal informed when they met at the canteen for lunch. Mehek was shocked. They all were aware about his new job but none expected him to abruptly end his commitments and leave without a proper farewell. He had given management some lame excuse but his students & fellow teachers especially Mehek couldn't comprehend. 

Mehek was baffled. The morning after they made love, Atharv was behaving distant as if he regretted their night. He expressed concern that it will not be good for her name if he drops her back at her place. However he had booked a taxi already to safely drop her back. Sensing his aloofness, she left his place without a proper conversation.

She was a bit hurt but had no regrets. She had her first time with the man she loved. It didn't matter to her whether he got swayed by alcohol to take liberties with her. She waited patiently, giving him space and time, without forcing him to deal with their equation. But today she had reached end of her patience. She swiftly excused herself from her friends and rushed to meet him.

Mehek banged on his door multiple times, not waiting for the other person to open. Atharv was visibly surprised to see her his door but he let herself in without any hesitation. Once she entered, she saw that he was packing his stuff. So the rumour is true. "Why are you doing this?", she asked him vehemently. "I got a better job in a different city. They need me to join at the earliest", he tried to ignore her while going ahead with packing. "Is it because of me?", she asked while rushing behind him, "Is it due to what happened between us that night?". "Don't give yourself so much importance", he chided her, "I already told you the reason".

"If you can't reciprocate my feeling then let it be", Mehek declared, "You don't have to run away from everything, fearing I will demand commitment. You are being silly". "Silly? Me?", Atharv finally dropped his stuff and confronted her, "Do you have any idea how conflicted I feel right now? I think my head will explode". "Then stay back", she reasoned, "we will figure it out. We can forget and remain as... as", she stuttered, " just friends". "Can we? Do you think it is that simple?", he challenged her.  

Mehek was overwhelmed with fear of losing Atharv. She desperately wanted him to drop his plans to flee. "Let's just think it as s*x", it pained her but she went on, "nothing more". She tried to walk out but he grabbed her by elbow. "Just s*x", he was mad, "can you term what happened between us as so casually?  and then act fine?". "Yes, I can", Mehek cried out because she didn't want him to leave. "Then let see if you can", he pushed her to his bed. 

Mehek squealed when Atharv pulled her pants and panties out in one go. He forcefully turned her. She closed her eyes as he wrestled to remove his cloths. "Keep it casual, isn't it?", he spewed angrily but she remained in her position. She was hurt but wasn't afraid of him because she trusted that he will not hurt her intentionally. She shivered when he cold hands grabbed derriere. She yelped when he slapped her a*s cheek. Despite their situation she was getting wet. In one go he entered her from behind, thrusting into her wildly.

"Atharv, stop", Mehek cried in few seconds, "you are hurting me". She thought he may go ahead with his assault to prove his point. "I am sorry", in a moment he was beside her, kissing her neck and caressing her back, "I am so sorry. Baby". He helped her relax. He pulled her up until her back hit his chiseled body. He sinful mouth graced her neck. As she moaned, one of hand went down to her sensitive spot and other caressed her peaky assets. 

Slowly he started to thrust in her. Pleasure was erupting from multiple spots, overwhelming her senses. A novel feeling started to bubbled in her, fighting to conquer her body. "Let is go, Mehek", he whispered into her ear before biting is softly. It was enough for her to come undone. He drew out first o*gasm from her.

Mehek fell on the bed being exhausted. As Atharv turned and hovered over her, she pled looking into his eyes, "Please don't leave". He shook his head and kissed her deeply. "You have no idea what you are asking from me? ", he asked dubiously," I can neither give in to your wishes nor can I hurt you" What have you done to me, Mehek?". She didn't know how to pacify him. Instead she widened her legs and wrapped them around his waist, making herself vulnerable to his needs. His hard length easily plunged into her wet channel, seeking his release.

Unlike last time, Mehek couldn't sleep after their passionate session. She wished he would finally find a justification to stay back. She was okay even if he decided not to take their relationship further. The thought of having him away from was unbearable for her. She didn't want to burden him with weight of her feelings. She carefully woke up without disturbing his slumber. She wore her cloths and left his place. As she exited, few men from adjacent flats noticed her. Some of them were Atharv's friends too. She knew weak walls of his apartment may not have discreetly contained their lustful sounds, especially during a quiet afternoon. Besides her disheveled appearance would have screamed foul play.

Nextday itself rumors started to float in college campus. Juicy story of an affair between a senior student and her coach started to do rounds in every corner of college. Mehek kept a brave face acting as if it doesnt affect her. However it was far from truth. One side she was denied true feelings of the man she loved. Another side she was shamed to indulge in an illicit affair with him. Day by day, it became difficult for her. Rumour may have started to die down. But People started to identify her as the face behind a spicy story. It became so worse that one afternoon Mehek has to rush out of her training, unable to counter the comments being passed on her character. She was now too tired to fight.

Mehek didn't know where she was heading. She bravely held her tears without giving satisfaction to her tormentors. When she was walking aimlessly through empty corridors of the college she was unable to hold them back. Blinded by her own tears, she trotted to get away. She was forced to halt her steps when someone stood tall refusing to give her way. She wiped her tears and lifted her head to bash the person but remained tight lipped because she found  Atharv before her.

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