Chapter 7

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Days passed to weeks without any news from Atharv. Mehek was devastated. His hopeful face when leaving flashed before her eyes . Sonal took her along to Police station for registering his missing report. The authorities were least interested to investigate the missing case of a common man. They were already prejudiced that her husband had ran away once the bliss of their newly married life was over. But Mehek remained adamant giving up on Atharv. She regularly visited Police Station, pleading them to look for her husband

Mehek's health was failing along with her mental stability. Her friends were all worried for her. Aryan who was not in town till then, came with Sonal and few of their mutual friends. Despite being close friend of Atharv, Aryan was unaware of the issues he had faced. Neither he had any clue about whereabouts of friends whom Atharv was planning to meet. It surprised her but she had nothing else to doubt Aryan. She pled them all to support her to find Atharv. However they could do little. In her desperation, Mehek planned to take matters to media since authorities were not helping her. Aryan and Sonal gave their silent support since she was adamant. However, soon they realised that it was no longer required.

In few days, police called Mehek to identify a charred body who fit description of Atharv. Sonal & Aryan both accompanied her. She was terrified. The body was beyond recognition but they got few articles like wedding ring, wallet and phone that definitely belonged to Atharv. Mehek collapsed as soon as she saw the ring. She was not in her senses when Aryan signed documents and collected the body. Police closed the file with conclusion that the cause of death was an accident. Soon they did Atharv's final rituals. Mehek returned back to their home as soulless body.

Passings days, Mehek realized that her friends have been immense support for her. Whether her family were aware of her fate or not, they never once visited or called her. Aryan checked on her regularly. Finally one day Sonal & Aryan came with a clear agenda. "Mehek, you cannot live so lifelessly", Aryan started their conversation, "my friend would never want you to suffer". With the mere mention of Atharv, she broke into tears. Sonal quickly supported giving her a shoulder to weep. "I found a teaching job for you in an elite boarding school", he explained, "you can stay there to coach kids". "It's a bit far from here but you need a change", Sonal supported. "you can take a break from your studies and club for now", he pitched in, "we will make necessary arrangements".

Without much persuasion, Mehek moved out of the place where she had fondly build her home with Atharv. Mayhap, it was for the best. She could never get over her loss. Moving ahead was impossible for her. But being in company of children may help her to gain stability. She didn't want to live her life as a weeping widow. But she needed time to recuperate. She didn't know what future held for her. For the time being, she decided to go with the flow.

"Mehek, if you need anything tell the matron", Aryan informed her once she was put in to her room, "I know her well". Mehek smiled recalling that Aryan always knew right people. She stalled him when he was in a rush to leave. "Aryan, I want to know what happened to Atharv?", she finally able to voice herself. He sighed in dismay, "Police found that he was speeding and lost control of the rented car, leading to his accident. Nothing unusual, Mehek. May be some fault of the vehicle also". "I don't believe it, Aryan. Something fishy happened. Atharv was so worried when he left. I think the people who troubled him got him killed", she was on verge of tears, "I want them to pay for their crime". "Let it go, Mehek", he admonished her but soon consoled her softly, "he wanted you to lead a safe and sound life. Please take care of yourself".

In a week's time, Mehek got a call from insurance company. Atharv has insured himself for a huge sum and she was the sole nominee. Since he died in an accident she was entitled to receive even a better amount. She was unable to respond while holding her tears. He was securing her life even when he was no more. Slowly Mehek tried to go on with her life, losing her in the mundane routine of her job.

"Mehek Sharma", a sturdy voice addressed her over phone. When she replied in affirmation, he replied, "I need to speak with you urgently", he paused as if gauging her response, "It's regarding your husband's death". She quickly agreed to meet him without thinking much. After taking leave from school, she arrived at the destined spot. "Mehek Sharma, I am Officer Virat Chauhan", a well-built man introduced himself. Although dressed in casuals, his body language screamed his profession. "What do you know about Atharv's death?", she asked without waiting for any preface. Virat laughed, "Why don't you tell us how you made him disappear?". "What ??", she was shocked, "I don't know what you are talking about". She noticed another lady officer coming behind. "Mehek Sharma, we suspect your involvement in your husband's disappearance. You are taken into custody for interrogation", Virat declared and lady officer handcuffed her.

Next few days were hell for Mehek. She was detained and interrogated continuously. She was accused of insurance fraud, being an accomplice helping her husband disappear. Her phone was taken away after they forced her to inform school authorities that she was going back home to her family. In short, none from outside world knew about her whereabouts. They grilled her day & night to get information about disappearance of her husband, Atharv Rana. Mehek told everything she knew but it wasn't enough. She was kept in a tiny room under close watch until one day she collapsed.

When Mehek gained conscious, she was in a prison hospital. A doctor informed that she had suffered a miscarriage. She could only shed tears while cursing her fate. She didn't even know about the life she had in her, until she lost it. Her final memento of her late love and hope for happiness in future were snatched. Her last chance to have a family was taken away from her. After spending enough time in hospital, she was discharged and send back to prison.

Mehek was still  kept in custody but left alone. It served her enough time to think through. Atharv was definitely involved in illegal activities or rather lured to be trapped by criminals. Authorities suspected that she and Atharv had staged his accident to escape and then cash on insurance money. But in truth, Mehek was innocent while Atharv was killed by those who wanted to silence him. 

Mehek was determined to find culprits who ruined her life. Nevertheless, she was lost. Police will not help her and she had no proof to reach media. Only someone strongly connected with other side could only help her. It was dangerous but she had to take the leap. From her fellow inmates, she got a name, 'Gangu'. Someone who can be reached out to help her.

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