Chapter 2

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Mehek was treating all her friends after she was announced as winner. Past months were tough for her owing to intense training. Still it paid off since her performance improved drastically. She fought well persistently, leading to the gold medal adoring around her neck. All were appreciating her hard work and success. But she knew that it was not only entirely her efforts. She had to give credit to her coach for win. 

Over the time, Mehek and Atharv formed a unique comradeship. He had become her mentor as well as her close friend. "Mehek, I think it will be good for you grab the opportunity", he was referring to the offer made by a popular sport club, "you can continue your studies as well be their player. They will sponsor you". "Will you be able to coach me if I join the club?", she asked timidly. He laughed at her silliness, "Mehek, they will have their own coaches. Better and experienced ones. Why would they want me?". She pouted, "Atleast, I can see you in college till my final exams". "Focus on your goals", he tapped her head playfully, "Besides, I am a temporary employee in college. In a month or so my contract will expire'.

"What will you do after that Atharv?", Mehek asked anxiously. Only few of his student were given liberty to call him by first name. "I will start looking out for other jobs", he told calmly, "besides my side gig as DJ gives me enough savings for time being". "God has been so unfair on others. How can you be good in both music and sport?", she admired him while he acted out to be cool by fanning himself. Soon his eyes became grave in anger but it was not directed to her.

Someone was gawking Mehek from afar. "What are you looking at ?", Atharv roared at him. The guy fled even before others could take a look at him. "Creepy Loser", he forcefully threw his cup down. While others were still in daze, Mehek was utterly delighted. Throughout her life she had to act tough to protect herself but with Atharv she felt protected. As if she finally had someone who cared for her. He was her safe abode. She couldn't stop herself falling for him. His feeling were still unknown to her. She only wished that one day he will understand her side to reciprocate lovingly.

"Don't forget about my birthday party. It's in the same disc where I work as DJ Arto", Atharv reminded everyone but stressed to Mehek, "the same place where you punched me". All of her friends laughed, making fun of her. It was no longer a secret as Atharv himself told the story long back during a leisure time. Both didn't hold any grudge to one another. The incident was nothing but a memory that made them smile at their immaturity. Many still criticised her yet he agreed it was entirely his fault. One by one they all left except for Mehek

"Bring me some nice gifts", Atharv playfully asked Mehek. "But I don't have money to buy you a nice gift", she pouted. "Don't worry. I was just joking.  You presence will be my present. After all, you are the gold medal winner". They both laughed at his antics. Not many were aware of his humorous side since he was always a strict coach. His exposure of playful side to her made her feel special.

Atharv's birthday party was filled with felicitations as he announced about his new job. He was happy to have landed in a better position with reasonable salary. Although he will be leaving college, Mehek was happy that he still be in same town for longer time. Party reached its peak while many were drunk. Except for Mehek and some friends none were sober. "Mehek, can you take Atharv to his room", one his friend, Aryan gave her keys, "he is not fit to reach home safely. Please take him. I have to take others". She quickly agreed, grabbing keys from him.

Mehek with Atharv entered into his tiny studio apartment. Amidst the mess in the room, she managed to lead him to the bed. "Let me get you some water", she tried to moved away but he grabbed her arm and said, "No need. Stay with me". Although skeptical, she didn't pull away. Being baffled, she patted his hand on her arm, "It's okay, Atharv. I will be back in a moment". "No, please stay with me", he slowly pulled her towards him and this time she complied. He made her sit on his lap, "you look so beautiful, Mehek. So beautiful". He came so close that his breath fanned her face. He caressed her cheeks softly, "I so badly want to kiss you, Mehek". She closed her eyes as if giving her consent. In a moment, her lips submitted to the lustful caress of his eager ones.

"Atharv, you are drunk", Mehek blurted as soon as they parted, "we shouldn't go ahead when you are not in your senses". "I want you so badly, Mehek", he ignored her words of caution, "Tell me you want me too. I will stop if you say no", he appeared to have sobered suddenly. "I want you, Atharv", she spoke hoarsely, "more than you could even imagine". Those were enough for him break the boundaries he had set amidst them. He smashed his lips on her. She felt as if he was consuming her in the kiss. His hunger and passion were poured into the kiss. She was beyond redemption when he placed open wet kisses on her neck while his skilled hands explored her bosom.

Mehek had never experienced such sensations before. It was as if Atharv knew her body better than herself. His hands and lips were playing her like a musical instrument, making her moan in lustful notes. She was so lost in their proximity that she didn't know when they were skin to skin.  "Tell me what you wish for, Mehek?", he demanded like a dominant. "you", she submitted to him fully, "I want you". He smiled wickedly before slamming hard into her. She screamed in pain when he broke her hymen. 

In a moment, Mehek fell from heights of pleasure into dark pits of pain. She was old enough to know first time will be painful but didn't comprehend the extent of hurt. Atharv was also stunned, "I didn't...I am... I am so sorry, Mehek. I didn't know it is your first time" He remained still being inside her, unable to decide how to act. She knew it wasn't his fault. "It's okay, I wanted this", she told him amidst her pain while still tears adorned her face. He grabbed on the bedpost and hit something nearby. She heard noise of an object falling. Perhaps it acted as a distraction but before she could look closely, he grabbed her jaw and kissed her ardently. He coerced her gently.

"Breath, Mehek", Atharv told her assertively, "just focus on me". He began to rain soft kissed on her neck while fondling her breast. Soon she was floating in lustful dream when he took one of her nipples in his mouth while his fingers were fondling the other. one Burning in her sensitive part died down a bit. Slowly a needing ache took its place. "I will be gentle", he assured her, "but tell me to stop if you are in pain". She knew that he was trying to make her as comfortable as possible. She nodded slowly. He moved tenderly, giving his utmost control and care not to hurt her any further.

Soon their bodies found a rhythm, turning her pain to pleasure and his need to release. Atharv pulled out of her in nick of time and emptied his cum on her thighs. He ensured not to crush her with his weight and fell beside her. Mehek was taking heavy breaths while he panted. She cuddled to his side, keeping her arms around his chest. He too extended his hand over her back. They laid beside one another listening to their now synchronised breaths. Before falling asleep on his chest, she whispered, "I love you, Atharv".

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