Chapter 6

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Mehek was fully enjoying her marital bliss. It's been a month since their wedding. She has a wonderful husband who is passionate in bed and loving in nature. Apart from his occasional weird behaviour and sinister attitude, Atharv proved to be a wonderful husband. He encouraged her to focus in her boxing career while equally supporting her studies. They both worked hard to keep up their small world of happiness. Infact , she can tell for sure that Atharv tried his best to bring her everything she wished for. He worked so hard to shower her with gifts he could afford. Even when she refused, he didn't relent. 

"Who wants to go on a trip?", Atharv asked as soon as he entered the home. "Did you get your passport?", inadvertently Mehek blurted owing to her desire to travel abroad. "No, Mehek", he replied awkwardly, "but I got us weekend reservation for an nice resort", he showed the pamphlets of the resort, "It's right on the beach, just like you wished". She quickly tried to cover her tardiness. "Oh!  I love it", she exclaimed, "I am so thrilled". He smiled, knowing she was acting to keep him happy. "Let us start packing", she was about to leave but he grabbed her arm. "I promise, I will bring you the world at your feet", he kissed her hand, "I am trying to start a side hussle with few partners. Once it takes off we won't have to worry about expenses". She shook her head in disagreement, "I don't want you to stress out, Atharv. I am happy with whatever we have if you are with me". "Always", he kissed her affectionately.

It was Mehek's first time staying at a luxurious resort. She lacked finesse and etiquettes of the grand place. However Atharv seems to be at ease. "It's all an act, Wifey", he mocked her, "Just believe you own these riches and it will all fall into place". She laughed at his antics. Their stay was an exquisite experience for Mehek. She loved beaches. Their morning stroll on the beach side and late night chats while relaxing beside the waves were precious for her.

"We are having dinner at the resort", Athrav told Mehek. Her eyes widened in shock. "It will be super expensive", she refused to cooperate. But he didn't leave her a choice. He had specially arranged a romantic candle light dinner for them and there was no escape. Despite her foul mood of over spending, she had to agree that it was a wonderful dinner. The food, ambience, music, seaside and above all her charming husband. All the while she could see the sparkle in his eyes when he gave her happiness. She was unable to believe her fortune. "I love you", she told him as he squeezed her hand kept on table. "I love you too", he picked her hand to place a soft kiss on her tender fingers. He snapped his fingers. Soon a bottle of champagne was brought to their table.

By the time, the couple finished dinner and returned, Mehek was bit tipsy and still drinking from the champagne bottle she took from table. Atharv was holding her close, trying his best to bring her to their room comfortably. "Well, this is a surprise", a female voice startled both of them. A young woman of same age as Mehek, clad in classic cocktail dress walked towards them, "I never expected to meet you here". "Who is she, Atharv?", Mehek slurred while clinging to him.

 "Atharv", the woman unnecessarily stressed on each syllable of his name while she checked out Mehek as if trying to validate her worth. "You must be the woman who captured his heart", her mocking tone was not hidden. Mehek smirked, "Yeah, you guessed it right. I am his wife, Mrs Mehek Atharv Rana", she held her hand out as a challenge, "and you are?". The lady took her hand confidently, "I am Anjali Khanna....". Before she could finish her introduction, Atharv intervened, "She is Aryan's cousin. We all used to go to same school. Childhood friends". "Oh", Mehek nodded her head dramatically. "Please excuse us", before ladies could utter a word, possibly leading to a scene, he walked away with Mehek.

"She hates you", Mehek said in her drunken stupor. Atharv has already changed her to night cloths. "Who?", he asked her. "Aryan's cousin. The woman we met just now", she spewed, "I can see anger in her eyes.  A scorned woman. Did you ever date her? ". "No way", he got defensive and blurted out, "She is like a sister to me", he looked away for a minute, "but you are right, she never liked me". She pulled his cheeks lovingly, "how can they stay mad at you? You are so cute". He laughed at her antics, cocooning her into his arms. She cuddled into his warmth as he caressed her head. Soon Mehek fell in deep slumber owing to alcohol in her system.

Towards dark hours of night, Mehek's hand sprawled out in search of the warmth of her husband. But his side of bed was empty and cold. Her drowsiness was already swept away. When she looked for him, she found her at the balcony gazing at the stars. He seemed to be lost in thoughts but evidently sad. She hugged him from behind. He pulled her hands, pecking them softly. 

"I wish to give the world to you, Mehek. But I know I am failing you", Atharv spoke dubiously, " I am afraid to lose you". "Hey", she quickly pulled his face to her, "What happened?". "Nothing", he brushed aside her question without meeting her eyes. "Atharv, please look at me", she made him face her, "We have a lot. Love and Happiness. Infact, many may even envy us for what he have". "True", he quickly agreed to her, "I have never felt content in my life, Mehek. You brought colours of joy into my dry life".

Atharv leaned and kissed her deeply, "you are my precious, Mehek. I will never let you down". She giggled when he nudged his face into crook of her shoulder, "And I love you a lot. More than you love me". "Impossible", he was decisive, "you have no idea what you are to me". She yelped happily when he quickly lifted her up to wrap her legs around him. The kissed passionately as he led them to the bed. Once withdrew from her lips, she could still faint shade of sadness in his eyes. She cupped his face and whispered, "Nothing matters if we are together". He hummed in agreement. He pecked her lips and held her closely as if afraid of losing her if he let her go.

Things started to fall back to their routine once the couple came back from their short vacation. Atharv continued to amaze Mehek with his constant attempts to keep her happy. While from her side, she made all efforts to balance their life without stressing out her loving husband. However soon she started to notice often her husband started to act weirdly. The way he always looked behind his shoulders as if they are being watched. She tried her best to comfort him and to an extent he tried to brush her concern aside. 

Few days passed. Neither Atharv seemed to be pacified nor he confided in Mehek. "Atharv, are you involved in some situation?", finally she asked, "if you hide from me then I will ask Aryan?". She knew it was definitely something related to the new side business he had started recently. "Mehek, I scr*wed up", Atharv finally accepted defeat, "please don't ask me how  because even I don't know. But I am trying to fix it".  "You are scaring me now", her eyes brimmed with tears. Before she could ask further he added, "I promise no harm will fall on you". 

"I am least bothered about myself. I want you to be safe", Mehek retorted. "Nothing will happen", Atharv quickly assured her by holding her closer. He was disappointed to have burdened her with his issues. She sobbed against his chest. Her emotions were all over the place. "I am sorry", she wiped her tears although they were still streaming, "I don't know what is happening to me. I shouldn't have acted so rashly". She wanted to be the strong woman who supports him through thick & thin, unlike the crybaby she turned to be. 

"You can take my jewellery", Mehek suggested, "I can even ask for a loan from the club". Atharv denied, "those are only possession left from your parents. Don't burden yourself in debt". She tried to persuade him but he made her understand, "Besides, it is not about money. I am trying my best to find a solution". When she still stood in dismay, he squeezed her hand, "Trust me, it will all be fine". Despite his reassurance she was uneasy, leading her to suffer from dizzy spells. He quickly supported her, asking her not stress. Couple spend a restless night with her being unwell and him trying his best to take care of their situation.

Next morning, Mehek was woken up from her slumber by Atharv. He informed that he is going to meet some old friends to seek help. When she tried to rise he forbid her, "Take rest. You are not keeping well. Besides, you didn't get a wink of sleep last night.", he made her lie down, "I will call you as soon as I reach there". She wanted to protest but succumbed to weakness. "Don't worry, I will be back soon", he pecked her forehead while bidding farewell. She send a silent prayer for him once he crossed threshold of their home. 

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