Chapter 12

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Shaurya gazed at his hands. Even though they were clean, he knew he had tainted them with blood. He had lost his right to touch anything innocent, even his Mehek. There is not way back to his wishful life. He tried to play a melody on his piano but failed.

He looked onto the wall where Mehek's photographs adorned. It was most private space of his villa where only few were allowed. Most of his days were spent in plotting against their enemies or planning towards success of his reign. He had masked his true nature with calculative ruthlessness. Only once in a while, when he loses his way to reach his music and memories of Mehek, he felt himself. 

"When will you add her new picture?", taunting voice of Anjali disturbed him. He knew she was checking him. She had arranged a perfect dead body, leading to give a proper burial to Atharv Rana with a cooked up story. Even if he knew Mehek will be devastated, he agreed to fake his death. It was for her best so that she can move on. Aryan had ensured that a hefty sum will be deposited in her account as insurance money, along with a stable job far away. 

"These are just reminders that once I had a happy life. Nothing more will be added here", he spoke without interest, "she is no longer in my life". "Good", Anjali added ruefully, "so may not matter to you still I wanted to tell you that she left her job and had gone back to her family". He nodded, acting passively . "You know how these middle class families are. Forget and forgive easily as time passes. I am sure they will soon find another groom for her. I bet she will be persuaded to marry and have kids with him. In some time, you will be a fleeting memory".

Shaurya knew Anjali was trying to measure his reaction so refrained to comment. However he didn't expect Mehek to move on so quickly. Yet he had no right hold her back if she makes a choice. "I will get her wedding photograph for the collection", she mocked gesturing the wall, "perhaps some intimate snaps with her new husband". When he didn't give any reaction, so she added, "it will help you to get over her". "You have done enough", he replied decisively,"I am already over her". After a moment, he commanded like a boss, "if you value your life, stop messing around me, Sister". He smirked when she cowered in fear.

Anjali stayed back to discuss some business matter. Once she left, he informed his staff never to let her into his private space. Soon Aryan was summoned to check the information shared by Anjali. "Why wasn't I informed? Did you check on her abrupt decision to go back?", he sneered at Aryan when he shook his head in denial. "Let her be, Shaurya. She is free to make her decisions. Besides she is safer if we stay afar", he replied, "Mehek will heal with time. She is fortunate that her family called her back. Besides, you gave her enough money to rebuild her life". 

Shaurya smirked, taunting his friend's belief that few bundles of currency can compensate the damage Mehek suffered. It will take a lot more than just money for her to restore her life. "Do you want me to go and check on her?", Aryan asked rhetorically. They both have already decided not interfere anymore, fearing to jeopardize her life. "No need", he spoke being defeated, pushing away Aryan.

Aryan had always advised him to stay away from Mehek. As a friend, he knew Shaurya was heartbroken. But he had brought on himself. Choice was taken from him the moment he was born as Harish Khanna's heir. He didn't have right to wish for common life.  Somehow he was responsible for the mess he caused when he dared to fight his destiny. He could only sympathise with Mehek who was pulled into the mess.

Shaurya took a deep breath becoming the arrogant boss, "How is my father?". "Better", he replied, "his recovery has been pretty quick once you came back". "You can leave", he ordered Aryan. But before leaving, he was forced to console his friend, "Time heals everyone. Soon Mehek will be happy wherever she is", he tried to convince him, "you need to move on. Forget about her". Shaurya smirked, "I already have moved on, Aryan". His words earned a soft smile on Aryan but soon he frowned listening to his next words. "But if I ever find that Mehek suffered due to your negligence, you won't be spared". Terror ran through his spine. It wasn't good natured banter from his friend but stern words of SK.

SK's warning forced Aryan to discreetly check on Mehek. She was not with her Uncle and Aunt neither with any of her friends. He faced his biggest fear. It's been weeks since she had gone missing. He knew he had messed up. Once he mustered enough courage to tell Shaurya, he was informed that Mehek arrived back to same house where she had stayed with Atharv. It made him halt his actions. None knew what happened to Mehek during those weeks. But she appeared to be unharmed. It surprised Aryan that she kept to herself, refraining to contact anyone even her close friend Sonal. He decided to pay her a visit in due time until he probed deeper. But nothing prepared him for the shock received when Gangu called.

Aryan knew his days were counted. He had failed to protect Mehek, leading her to lose Shaurya's baby. "I am sorry", he uttered even when he knew it was pointless. Only death was reward for his failure. He knelt before Shaurya after handing over his weapon. "Leave", Shaurya ordered him. "Please Shaurya. Kill me now but don't push me away", he begged his friend. He had done his best once he knew Mehek will be targeted by their enemies. He managed to save her from her kidnappers and brought her back to Shaurya. Perhaps the only reason Shaurya managed to cut him some slack but not enough to keep him. "You are no longer welcome here", Shaurya was decisive, "leave the country and start a new life. Or else you can join my enemies. It's your choice. Either ways, you will not be spared if I see you next time".

"Shaurya", Aryan wailed while guards pulled him away forcefully. It hurt him more to part his most trusted man but it was inevitable. Aryan failed both as a friend and as his guard to protect the most precious person in his life. He marched straight into the room where Mehek was resting. He knew it will be difficult to pacify her however he wanted to be beside her the moment she opened her eyes. As he gazed at her pale sleeping form, remorse filled his heart. He failed to protect her and their baby. He recalled how Mehek was sick when he left her. But he never imagined that his seed was growing in her womb. They never planned for a baby yet he was sure both of them would have been overjoyed with news of arrival of their baby.

He held her hands, pecking it softly. "I am sorry, Mehek", tears brimmed in her eyes, "I shouldn't have left you". He regretted his decision to leave her behind. He miscalculated danger he had pushed Mehek into. He should have told her the truth earlier itself. If not, when he was forced to return he should have taken her into confidence. It was wrong to take decision on her behalf while keeping her in dark. He broke her with his fake death and could only imagine the blow she suffered being arrested and then losing their child. He remained glued to her side for hours, praying for her well being. By evening he dozed off. It wasn't until late hours of the night, Mehek showed signs of gaining conscious.

"Where am I?", Mehek mumbled in sleep, waking Shaurya from his slumber. "Mehek", she looked onto him, "you are finally awake. How are you feeling now?". Her eyes shown with contempt. She pulled away her hand from his grasp. "Don't touch me", she snarled, scooting away from his reach, "Leave me alone, psycho".  

Fate of FirefliesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora