Chapter 8

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Mehek was finally released from prison without any charges against her name. However the damage she suffered was irreparable. She arrived back to same place where she had called her home while residing with Atharv. Only this time, stronger and more determined. She refrained from contacting anyone, even Sonal. It was for their own safety. She had suffered enough. It was unfair to let other into danger. After many deliberations, she finally managed to meet Gangu under the pretext of giving her organs. To her surprise the insurance money was already credited in her account despite being main suspect behind Atharv's death. She was determined to give it all away to find the culprits.

"I have been maintaining a healthy lifestyle throughout my life. I was a national athlete till my graduation", Mehek explained to Gangu. "Impressive", latter praised her, "which sport?". "Boxing", she replied with a sigh and added, "never smoked, drank or used drugs. Never was I ever admitted in hospital until recently....". Gangu raised her eye because she was unable to find in her records, "Which hospital?". "Prison", Mehek replied dubiously.

Gangu was unable to hold her sarcastic laughter, "So this birdie had already did her time in jail. Aren't you a gem?". Mehek felt so timid but she didn't come this far to be intimated by a horrible woman. "I was held in custody until my name was cleared. There was no charge against me so no trial", she defended herself.

Gangu had seen enough life to evaluate people she came across in her daily life. "Under which crime? ", she asked expecting fraud or theft . "Murder", Mehek looked down in shame, "I was prime suspect when my husband went missing". "Hmmm", Gangu didn't pry further. Truly she didn't care. She need to worry about her trade so went back to business, "You may have undergo a medical checkup to certify your health. By the way, why were you hospitalised?". "I suffered a miscarriage", she replied as her eyes brimmed with tears, "I was six weeks pregnant"

Even the stone heart of Gangu was melted as she gathered plight of the young woman before her. She extended her hand to pat Mehek, "I promise to get the best deal for you". "I don't want money", Mehek once again surprised her. "Then what do you want?", Gangu was getting irritated. "I want your help to find the truth. I need to know who killed my husband", Mehek told courageously but her desperation was evident.

She quickly managed to tell Gangu her entire story. Indeed the  woman was touched but remained indecisive. Mehek quickly unlocked her phone to showed her wedding photograph. "He was my husband. First he was taken away from me", her voice wavered, "then I lost my child. I need to find people responsible for their demise". While Mehek went on, Gangu inventively looked onto the photograph. Years of experience in her trade made her mask face but Mehek managed to get a glance of it. 

"Do you recognize him?", Mehek asked anxiously, "have you met him before? Did he work for anyone you know?", she shot her questions. "Look Birdie, I see a thousand faces each day. So don't expect me to recognise your handsome", she chewed, "besides, I don't run a detective agency to play your sleuth. You can leave now if nothing else", she gestured her men to escort Mehek outside. Her pleas to help her didn't fall on deaf ears but Gangu decided to shut doors on her face because her loyalties were well defined.

"Contact our man who works with Khanna. I need to speak to SK", Gangu told her right hand man who was surprised. They all knew it was not simple to get in touch with the king, especially the new one. They risked their life if sought an audience for trivial matters. "Meanwhile keep an eye on her", she ordered him, "Mehek Sharma may land in huge mess soon, leading us to trouble"

Gangu was a seasoned gambler who frequented many renowned casinos. That night too, she was enjoying her game with other members of illegal cartels when Mehek gate crashed amidst the game. Indeed, Gangu had underestimated her determination. "You need to help me find killers of my husband. In addition to my organs, I am willing to give you money also. I have a huge sum in bank from his insurance money", she demanded desperately. When Gangu discreetly commanded her men to take her away, Mehek turned to other around the table, "can anyone of you help me to fund my husband's killer? I am willing to pay you hefty in return", she showed her wedding picture with Atharv to them. 

By reaching heights of desperation, Mehek didn't know what she was getting into. Gangu was quick snatch away her phone but already few of them saw it. "Go home and wait for me", Gangu pushed her to the door and rebuked  strongly, "don't do anything stupid until I reach you". Mehek nodded robotically. She was afraid however happy that finally she Gangu agreed to help her.

It was late night as Mehek walked through the dark streets to reach her home. She was determined to trouble Gangu if she failed to keep her promise. If not her, then she will have approach someone who sat around her table. She was determined not to cover back. 

While being lost in her thoughts, Mehek didn't realise dark figure tailing her. Suddenly a vehicle screeched to stop beside her. Few masked men came out of it. Before Mehek couldn react, she was pushed into it. She tried to scream but was silenced with a tight slap. He hands were bounded and mouth taped. 

"Should we take her to an abandoned building to have fun before finishing her off?", one of them asked vilely, "making it authentic. A pretty face got raped and killed". Mehek shivered hearing his abhorrent words. "We have strict instructions. Shoot her to death. It is a message to anyone behind her", a man seemingly their leader scolded him. They tried to sped to the planned location but the vehicle was forced to break owing to a car parked across the road.

While Mehek panicked, the men who had kidnapped her obediently went out of the vehicle. They seemed to be scared of the person who stopped them. She should have tried to escape but was too scared to even move

"Come out", Mehek recognised the familiar voice that ordered her. When she got out of the car, none stopped her. Her bounds were cut off and tape removed from her mouth. "Aryan", finally she managed to utter in shock. For a moment, she was glad that he managed to save her. Happiness flashed in sunken eyes. Yet she was astonished how those men stood before him, keeping their neck bend in utter submission.

"I will take her from here", Aryan ordered them before dragging her towards his car. "What is happening, Aryan?", she was baffled. "Why can't stay put, Mehek?", he rebuked her, "why do you have to stir up trouble? You dragged me too into the mess". She couldn't believe that the man whom she and Atharv trusted the most were the one behind the scenes. "Were you the one who harmed Atharv? Whom are you working for?", she pulled back her arm vehemently.

 "I am sorry, Mehek. I never wanted to do this to you. But you brought it on yourself", Atharv told hoarsely. Before she could respond, a sharp needled was dabbed on her neck, injecting drug into her blood stream. 

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