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Storming into your house you step into the Kitchen, there sat Grace and Tatum, the blondes smile grew when she saw you, "hey! She said you weren't home but I was willing to wait professor." She said, "get out Tatum." You say, the blonde held her hands up in defense, "I simply came to check on you." She shrugged, "Grace can you give us a moment?" You say to your friend, Grace stood up feeling the tension between you to, as she walked past you she put her hand on your shoulder "say the word and I'll beat that bitches head on the pavement." She whispered to you before exiting the room, you sat on the kitchen island  next the Tatum her smile never wavering.

"How have you been?" She asked you rolled your eyes "cut the shit Tatum, what do you actually want?" You questioned "I leave in a few days so what ever it is you have to say to me or what you are going to try and pin on me save it till after I'm gone." You say making her laugh, she pulled out her phone showing a screenshot, "I really just want to know why my girlfriend was here all night," she says showing you she photo of a dot on your address. It felt like your chest had gotten heavier as your stomach sank, "I'm pretty positive you aren't suppose to be in contact with either of us right now right? If the board saw that Leighton was not only here but here for ten hours what do you think they'd say?" Her eyebrow raised "do you think they'd take back their decision on letting you keep your teaching license?" the gaze of her blue eyes never faltering from you, you could feel a twitch in your hand, in truth you wanted to smack the shit out of her in that very moment.

"Cats got your tongue?" She laughed as she watched your breathing pick up. "What do you want?" You asked irritated with her presence, "nothing, now, see I know you love her I really do, but she's mine now. I took her from you, it wasn't hard you fucked up yourself I just had to be there, you didn't want me but she surely did. I love you y/n I really do but stay the fuck away from her and don't make me do anything you'll regret later." She stood up standing behind you turning the stool you sat in so she was now standing between your legs her gaze staring down at you as you looked up at her, "You really are a cocky little bitch." You say, she grinned, "don't be such a flirt, you might make me love you even more." She chuckled, "I remember our first night together, you chose her over me, now look at her, choosing me over you."

"Is she really? Because the way I see it she doesn't want to hurt your feelings." You lean closer to her, "I'm so sick of you, here's the thing you can have her, I don't care, but when she finds out how big of a bitch you actually are how much do you think she'll want to be around you? It'll start small, sneaking off less calls, less text, making up excuses on why she doesn't want to see you, then eventually she'll find a new toy, someone she can attach herself too and it won't be you. You are enjoying this little game because I have so much to lose, but what happens when I don't? Or she comes across someone who has nothing to lose? You can't manipulate circumstances forever the world doesn't always work in your favor Tatum." You smiled softly gently cupping her cheeks, "it's sad, I thought you were so pretty when we first met. Well I mean it was my first time meeting you, but you knew who I was at that club didn't you? You knew where I worked, the lessons I taught, the places I frequented, you were obsessed but Leighton wasn't part of your plan was huh?"

You knew everything just by the way the blondes grin slowly shrunk, "now I know exactly what you are, an obsessed dog, and you are right I fucked up with Leighton all on my own, but I'm not her professor anymore and yes, she was here last night, we fucked, for hours because no matter what you do or say, she will always be MINE and right now I really have nothing to lose, so here's what I want you to do if you want to feel like you are still winning this game, I want you to get the fuck out of my house." You say. Both of your heads snapped when you heard a loud, "PERIOD!" Coming from the living room, You sighed Grace had been listening in which you weren't exactly shocked about. Tatum frowned before backing away from you, you smiled softly at her, "thank you for Coming Tatum, please get back to your dorm safely." You say, granted you were terrified of the girl, but you weren't going to let her keep winning.

"I don't have to check your phone to make sure you didn't record anything right?" You ask she shook her head before storming out, "YEAH YOU BETTER RUN BITCH!" Grace said even though Tatum had already left, "is what I said in my sleep." The red head said as she stepped into the kitchen, "hey, you okay?" She asked walking over to you gently rubbing your shoulders, you nodded "I'm just so ready to get the fuck away from here." You mumbled running and placing your head on the counter. She rubbed your back taking a seat on the kitchen island beside you, "if she's still out there I can do this really cool trick that will leave her looking toothless. Ever seen a person speak with no teeth? She won't be so hot anymore." Your best friend shrugged making you laugh as you looked at her, "I love you so fucking much." You mumbled.

A/n: a really short chapter I ate some shrooms last night and uploaded 46 without proof reading, I feel sick and MWAH TEAM FUCK TATUM🙃 only a few more chapters until the end of the book . If you would like more stories with any other actors/actresses feel free to look at the imagines books I am starting to drop, a new Jenna Ortega one is out now MWAH as well I have a crush on her again right now sooo there's that.

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