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Leighton's pov:

Entering the dorm I slammed the door my face red stained with tears. She left! Didn't even give it a second thought she walked out the door for Makenna. It felt like my world was in shambles, I thought we were working it out that we had communicated.

I sank down to the floor in Bela and I's shared bedroom, i covered my face with a pillow to muffle the screams thankfully all the girls were gone around this time of the morning, just me all alone I hated Y/n I truly did, how did I let myself get roped up into this relationship with her, why did I let myself fall for someone so out of reach. Her stupid smile was stuck in my face, I wanted this to be over. Not just temporary I wanted us to be done for good

The break up was hard, I had one friend who I knew had also been hurt by the same woman, someone I knew I could confide in. Tatum wouldn't judge me or hit me with an I told you so like I know Whitney would relish in if I told her how this relationship she told me not to pursue ended up.

Calling Tatum it didn't take but one ring for her to answer "hello?" Her voice rang, I couldn't get the words out through my sobs, "hey, woah what's wrong? What happened baby?" Her voice changed from a happy chirp to an attentive caring tone. "She left me." Was all I could manage to choke, she had seen me like this the first time Y/n and I broke up and here we are, round two of me crying into her arms about a woman sixteen years my senior. "Hey, hey where are you? I'll be right there." Her soft voice says "dorm." I croak with that the phone hung up.

Not even an hour later there she was like an angel holding me in her arms as I sobbed, Tatum and I had gotten a lot closer since everything and now this felt like another one of our bonding moments, what would I do without her in truth. "It's okay baby." Her voice was soft as she ran her slender fingers through my hair, "she isn't worth your tears okay." She says softly, I nodded sniffling softly as we laid in my bed. Don't remember how we got here and I'm positive I missed a class but right now I'm going to count this as a sick day. "Thank you." I say softly before chuckling "I know you gotta think it's pathetic of me to cry over someone like this." I say as we lay face to face, she shook her head smiling softly, "I think anyone who cry's over you is someone worth fighting for, y/n's to stupid to realize that despite how smart she seems." The woman shrugged, I laugh softly "yea, she is pretty stupid." I say biting my lip.

I watched as the blonde closed her eyes "you should get some rest, you had a long morning." She says softly. I nodded my head softly before leaning forward gently pecking Tatums lips, "thank you." I say softly, her blue orbs opened quickly to look at me. She frowned a little before her hands gently cupped my cheeks pulling me in for a slightly deeper kiss. Soon enough I was straddling her waist as it began to get more heated our lips only parting once air became an issue. Our breathing heavy as her pressed our foreheads together the blonde shook her head. "You're hurt right now, let's take this slow and just lay down. When you are more clear minded we can think about this." She says gently pecking my lips again. I didn't want to think, I just wanted to do, but I respected her wishes and laid back down beside her.

I didn't want to feel what Y/n made me feel anymore, I wanted something different.


That was all five weeks ago, since then Y/n and I haven't spoken once, she missed a few days of lessons but I didn't really care.

When she was there it still seemed like she wasn't, I noticed it and so did the other students in the class. She hadn't texted me or tried to reach out to me in any way which hurt in the beginning but the healing stage felt great in truth. I noticed the days I'd see her on campus she was awfully close to Malikai or Michel or what ever the hell his name was so she must be better.

I sat on the couch with Whitney and Kimberly whilst Bela got the door that had been knocked on seconds before, immediately hearing a loud "HELL NO!" As she slammed it shut.

"Who was that?" I asked confused, the brown haired woman shrugged "no one important." She says just as she was about to come sit back down the knock at the door happened again. Bela groaned turning and opening it again slightly standing infront of the crack so we couldn't see who it was.

We heard the two whispering making the three of us curious. I got up inching my way over the whispering voices slowly becoming more and more audible. "Y/n?" I say softly frowning  Bela looked back at me. "Don't worry she was just leaving," she assured "Bela please let me talk to her." I hear the older woman plead. "No, I told you, you really hurt her I'm sure what ever it is you have to say she doesn't want to hear it."

"No, I wanna hear it." I say softly I could see the desperation on Y/n's face. "Let her in." I say watching as Bela moved out of the way allowing Y/n to enter our dorm, "what is it?" I ask crossing my arms, "can we talk...alone?" She says the last bit a little quieter.

"What ever you wanna say to her you can say to us." Whitney says standing up and walking over to me, Bela shut the door behind Y/n making a point to slam it causing the woman to flinch slightly, "so what is it." I say arms still crossed. "I fucked up?" She sort of questions making Whitney scoff "hell yea you did." I gently waved my hand to her signaling for her to settle down a bit. "Sorry." She whispered.

"I really didn't mean to hurt you Leighton, I was scared and everything was starting to crash around us and instead of telling you I kept it to myself." She licked her lips looking down, "I've been asked to resign." She says making all of us frown, "what?" I say confused, "I'm so fucking sorry and I'm so fucking stupid. I'm not begging for you to take me back there would be no point in that since I'm leaving for France in a few days I just. I really missed you and you probably didn't care or dont care if I vanish but I don't want to do that to you." I could see she was sincere in her words, why now? Why'd she have to bring this shit to my door step NOW just when I was starting to move on.

"I don't know who told, I just I guess we weren't careful and that's my fault I should have prevented this entire situation from the start but I liked you, fuck that I love you and I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me somewhere." She kept her eyes down, almost as if she was ashamed with herself. I walked over frowning. "I don't know what you want me to say." I start, "honestly I have nothing to say to you I guess thank you for finally being honest with me. But this," I motioned between the two of us, "this is over, I need to heal and clearly so do you." I say watching as she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth nodding her head, "that's fair." She says softly, "so until you heal what ever is broken in you I can't forgive you, come back to me when that's happened alright." I say to which she nodded her head. "That's fair." Was all she could say again. "Um before I go, I managed to snag this back from evidence." She chuckled softly going into her bag pulling out the photos we had taken in the Photo Booth at the movies. She smiled softly giving it to me. "I still have no idea where the other one is but this one is yours. I'm sure they will be calling you in to talk about us soon, you can lie or you can be honest it's up to you." She says smiling at me, her eyes were watery. She didn't even give me a second glance as she headed for the door letting herself out.

I could hear the three girls among the room let out a breath we all didn't even know we were holding. "Shit Leigh, are you okay?" Kimberly asked rubbing my back. "I wonder what made her tell you all of that?" Whitney asked confused, "she's got nothing to lose now I guess" Bela answered for me which seemed like a reasonable answer, she didn't work here anymore.

"I can always chase after her and beat her ass. She's not a professor here anymore." Bela shrugged walking over to me. I chuckled softly looking down at the photo of Y/n and I, "nah, I think we are both hurting enough." I say sighing, "okay fuck all this sadness let's watch a movie." I chirped trying to cheer up the mood.

Tatum pov:

"How long did your romantic relationship last between you and Professor Y/L/N?" The man asked making me shrug "not long, I was mostly just a booty call. When she wasn't getting what she wanted to Leighton that is, don't tell her I told you she's been very beaten up about being toyed with lately." The man hummed writing it down, "and you were the one who sent the photos in of the professor and Ms Murray?" He asked to which I nodded, "and the audio recording?" I nodded again, "why?" He asked curious to why I turned in the professor.  "Because I lov-" I stopped myself clearing my throat before speaking again, "she toyed with me, I wasn't going to let her do the same to my friend. She needed to be stopped. Even if it meant her career ended." I smiled at the man who frowned looking at me.

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