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You sat in your meeting a soft smile on your face, you had been talking to Leighton's Father about her birthday. You weren't sure what to get her but you know it was coming up soon so who better to ask than the man that knows her best. Of course you said you were getting her something as a gift from the Calc-A-Thon team for her birthday. He had no idea it was because his daughter was the love of your life.

After you parted from sips because you didn't want any of Leighton's friends hearing the ideas of things to get her for her birthday, you went to do your meeting for the day, it was said to have been urgent. Taking your seat next to Professor Michel who smiled seeing you. "How'd you sleep? You feeling better after yesterday?" He asked you nodded looking up at him, "thank you for standing up for me the way you did." You say and he smiled "what are friends for." He assured you as he turned his attention to the Dean.

"I called you all here today because it turns out a student has been having sexual relations with a staff member." Your eyes widened as your face went pale. Were they talking about you? Had you and Leighton been that obvious? No, there is no way he's talking about you. The room suddenly felt cold and your body felt heavy. You didn't want to out yourself but you were well prepared to defend yourself.

"The assistant coach of the girls soccer team had been seen kissing a member of the team." He says, your body relaxed as color slowly eased back into your body. You didn't realize you were holding your breath but you most definitely were, you were lucky everyone was too shocked by the news to notice your spiritual death and resurrection in your chair.

"He transferred himself to another school before any consequence could be held against him." He continued, "What about the student?" A music professor, Professor Arkel asks, the dean looked at her "we have yet to know who the student in question is but we are currently looking to find out. In the meantime we are also looking for another soccer coach until we can hire a new one." Michel pointed at you "Professor Y/l/n would be perfect for that right now she played soccer as a child and knows the game." The son of a bitch had offered you up you now regretted telling him that. "Wh- huh?" You say confused, "would you be willing to be the temporary soccer coach?" You looked around the room "um, wh- I'm no good I really haven't played in years."

You stuttered as Michel rubbed your back, "oh come on I know you'd do a great job coaching." He says as you glared at him. "Then it's settled professor Y/l/n will be the new soccer coach for the girls team. Starting today you only have two games left before the season is completely over anyways" You heard before your mind blanked out.

You were in the locker room office going over the old plays that were left by the coach's before she resigned. You ran a hand through your hair sighing, you were going to kill Michel when you saw him again. The sound of people chatting in the locker room made you avert your attention, the team was here. You sighed standing up gently wiping your palms on your jeans before stepping out.

The girls all got quiet when they saw you, you gave a nervous smile, "Hi, I'm Professor Y/l/n. In truth I am being forced to be your new coach because I have soccer experience and they don't want to have to pay to find a new couch right now. If you have any questions I'm happy to answer them now." You seen a brown skinned woman eyeing you, you knew her face from the dinner she had been sitting with Leighton and if you were correct she was the mayors daughter.

"Are you sure you can coach us?" One girl asked as she raised her hand, you shrugged "well I'm not sure I haven't played in a while, but it seems I don't really have much of a choice, a bad drawing of straws." You say honestly.

"How old are you?" A curly haired girl asked and you chuckled "I'm almost thirty-six." You say and she grinned.

"Aye as long as you know the game we are fine. You got this." Leighton's friend says smiling at you. You nodded "alright is that it for the questions? If so then I'll see you on the field ladies." You smile before exiting the locker room going back to the field. Your phone dinged.

Leighton: should we have Calamari tonight? Maybe steak and shrimp?

You smiled at your girlfriend's text before responding,

Y/n: it's what ever you want to have my love I'm okay with either.

"Ready coach?" The girls say them all coming out on the field in their practice gear. You nodded sliding your phone back in your pocket "alright let's start off with some warm ups ladies!"

Practice had ended and you were collecting your things from the coaches office a soft knock drawing your attention to the door. "Come in." You say softly  the girl from earlier walked in, "Whitney right?" You question and she nodded "yeah Leighton's roommate." She says you raised an eyebrow as to why she specified that. "Okay? Do you need something?"  You asked her curiously, she shut the door behind her, "what are you doing?" She asked more so demanded an answer. "What do you mean?" You ask genuinely comfused, "first you're sleeping with my roommate then you just magically become my soccer coach." Your eyes widened "wh- I don't know what you mean-" you were cut off from talking "so what's your plan here?" Whitney asked crossing her arms.

"I genuinely have no clue what you are talking about. Like I said a bad pick of straws and the only one with soccer experience. There really is nothing more to it." She frowned "if you hurt Leighton I swear to god." There was no breaking the fact that she knew, "did she tell you?" You frowned she scoffed "she didn't have to! I saw you two at the dinner." She explained you gently grabbed her hand "please please don't tell anyone, in fact if She doesn't know that you know don't even tell her okay. She isn't out yet and this isn't exactly the ideal way to come out to someone." You explain more worried about Leighton than yourself.

Whitney sighed "I'm not going to tell anyone. But I promise I will fight you if you hurt her." She says glaring at you, she started towards the door, "also you weren't bad today." She says before leaving. You sighed letting out a breath as you slouched in the rolling chair behind the desk. She's pretty intimidating, or was it simply the fact that her career now sat in her hands.

How many of Leighton's friends knew of you? Was the worker at sips aware of your relationship with her roommate? Hell, did her family know? You sighed covering your face taking a moment to collect yourself before leaving to go home for then day.

When you entered your house you  were immediately met with lips connecting with yours, "hi!" You say smiling widely, "Hi!" Your girlfriend said back with just as much enthusiasm. "What did you and my dad talk about?" She adds, you laughed "I'm not telling you, that's a secret between him and I." You say setting your purse down and taking off your jacket. "It's only fair that your girlfriend gets curious." She says gently wrapping her arms around your waist pulling you to the couch. She sat down pulling you to sit on her lap, you smiled "I'm the new soccer coach." You say. She hummed gently kissing along your neck, "And I met your 'only normal roommate' as well. She's pretty good." You say tilting your head a bit straddling Leighton's waist as she peppered your neck with kisses.

"She's the mayors daughter. She has to be." She says gently rubbing your back. "What did you do today?" You ask gently pushing her back to lean back against the couch. She smiled "I went to try to interrogating my father about what he had to speak to my beautiful girlfriend about. Yet I'm getting the same answer from
Both of you." She says as you kissed along her neck grinning, "it's a secret."  You gently bite her neck making her chuckle "who would have thought you two would be conspiring against me. Especially since it seems he really likes you." She says unbuttoning your shirt, "that just means you and your dad have the exact same taste." You stop her from taking off your shirt "it's not Sunday yet." You say causing the blonde to groan, "I thought we negotiated!" She whined as you smiled "well you are the one who is interrogating your father. Am I not allowed to speak with your parents?" You tilt your head.

Her hand traced your stomach as you stood up, "I'm going to shower." You pat her shoulder getting off her lap. You kissed her cheek gently before going up the stairs, Leaving the blonde at a lost for words as she watched you disappear, little did you know the two days of teasing her was going to backfire on you the next day.

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