"I still think you shouldn't be here." She mumbled as he brought her closer to his chest.

"Perhaps you would prefer if I left you in the capable hands of Edward." Dustin's voice was sharp. "After all, You seem very comfortable with his hands on you." Sky looked at his face and saw his gold eyes were dark. She smiled at his expense.

"What makes you say that?" Sky asked faking ignorance just to tease Dustin. She knew it was mean, but she wanted to see just how jealous he was. She liked Edward very much, but in a completely different way to how she like Dustin.

Dustin scowled over her shoulder to where Edward was still dancing with the girl in peach. "I saw both of you dancing. What a beautiful pair you make." Sky had to keep from laughing and giving herself away. "Not to mention your little moment outside the whore house."

"Yes, but that doesn't count as it was interrupted-" Sky stopped. How would he know... unless? "That was you? You knocked Edward." Sky knew the man had seemed familiar and it also explained her feeling of being watched. Sky blushed despite herself; she and Edward hadn't done anything wrong and yet she could see how Dustin would have taken it.

Dustin's lips twitched up.

"That means you were there the whole time. Even at the gates?" Sky looked at him and saw his jealousy slip away.

"You are quite the actress Sweetheart." He grinned and leaned down so that his face was very close to hers. "I'm pleased to know my name just fills you with fear." He mocked her using her own words.

Sky's face flamed to match the colour of his vest. "Dustin," She whispered his name as she felt his lips brush her cheek like the caress of a feather. She was shoved forward as someone pushed her into Dustin. He caught her easily and looked at the man who had bumped her with a sly smile.

Sky spun to see Edward standing behind her. "Hate to interrupt this touching moment, but you might want to leave." Edward was looking at Dustin with cold eyes. "James is asking after Sky. If he sees you here, all over his sister, I might add, were all screwed. Dana may have sent you, but I don't think she intended on you being inside the palace."

"She wasn't specific on details." Dustin grinned at Edward who rolled his eyes. Sky could practically see the tension between the men and couldn't help but fell like she was the cause of it.

"Scat Hawk, before you ruin everything." Edward snapped.

"Very well." Dustin tuned his attention back to the girl in his arms. "I'll be back later to continue our discussion. I have to check on my idiots anyway." Sky frowned. "The rest of the crew are forming a perimeter around the palace should things turn ugly." He smiled at her and stepped back giving her a low bow. "Pleasure dancing with you milady."

Only seconds after Dustin had turned Sky heard her name from behind her. Edward grabbed her elbow and took Dustin's place as if he had never been there just as James came to stand next to them. He was dressed in the king's blue and red uniform though it suited him more than any other officers Sky had seen it on; he looked like royalty. On his left side Sky was surprised to see four small medals that shone bright in the candle light. James wasn't alone though, at his right side stood a stunning woman.

She was around the same size as Sky and held herself with a pride that made her seemed quite a few years older though she looked to be in her early twenties. She wore a deep purple dress that enhanced her womanly figure in all the right places and showed her bare shoulders and the top of her bodice. She had chestnut coloured hair that fell in straight lines and framed her slender face. Her cheek bones where high and her almond eyes intelligent and gentle.

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