Chapter 169

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Cale had had that thought before, about the demonic race who went around purposely dying human hearts in dead mana. A shudder ran through his body and he quickly cast away the thought, preferring to go back to thinking about taking a nap.

After allowing his gaze to sweep the room, he decided that he needed to keep his promise to return to TCF!Alberu, the fact that his Hyung-nim was also a comfortable place to lean on and relax made his decision even more enticing, he decided to make his way over to TCF!Alberu and TBOAH!Alberu. Cale did so as the Palantír went dark.

As he walked with TCF!Ohn and TCF!Hong in his arms, he ignored the discussions around the hall about what had happened next and how they'd all safely escaped the White Radish after that. It didn’t bother him that he could feel people staring at him as he moved around the second and front row of tables and loungers.

"Scoot over a bit, yeah?" Cale requested from TCF!Alberu and promptly took the spaced created between TCF!Alberu and his counterpart. TBOAH!Alberu pressed his lips into a thin line and resisted the instinctive urge to comment, instead he watched Cale allow his kittens to make themselves comfortable on his lap again before he lazily leaned his head against TCF!Alberu's bicep and stifled a yawn. While he got comfortable, TCF!Alberu made a rough estimate that the Goddess would likely show one more record before she sent everyone off to lunch - he was right.

Once Cale was settled and the conversations around the hall died down, Grigori raised her hand and gestured toward the Palantír, records flew by as the sound of pages turning rapidly was heard. It stopped a moment later and the black Palantír began to light up again while the room became dim.

<Chapter 730: Must not be sane (6)>
The voice had said the following prior to the indignity test.
‘Determined the target within the challenger’s data who has faced the most indignity under the requirements.’
‘There are two qualified individuals.’
The difficulty was set to twice the normal difficulty. As a result, Cale had to witness two people’s indignities. Cale fell asleep.

"F**k." Cale's quiet exclamations was barely above a whisper, but several people heard it and immediately tensed and put their guard up. They were expecting something bad to happen. TCF!Alberu's expression changed immediately, and he looked down at Cale with a calm, but serious expression on his face. He considered something for a silent moment before opening his mouth to address Cale.
"Dongsaeng... is this my part of your Indignity Test?"
"... That's right..." Cale eventually replied in a quiet voice after hesitating for a few seconds.

“Son of a…”
He couldn’t help but swear again when he opened his eyes again.
“…What did you just say?”
There was a stubborn looking old man wearing the Roan Kingdom’s Chief of Staff’s uniform in front of him.

TCF!Alberu and TBOAH!Alberu both twitched in surprise as a familiar, but annoying face appeared right before Cale's eyes. Meanwhile, Cale's frustration was mounting to an all new height, he really did not have the energy to deal with this right now, however he knew why the Goddess had chosen to show it now - it was the perfect time for her to do so.

That meant that this place was the center of the Roan Kingdom. This was the Roan Palace. Cale turned his head looking for a window. It was the end of dusk. The sun was slowly rising.

The Palantír repeated the information that had been delivered in an earlier record - the records containing Dodam Miru's Indignity Test. Although most of the guests felt that it had been such a long time ago since then that this may as well as be new information to them, they remained quiet and attentive - of course they mainly felt this way because they did not possess Rok Soo and Cale's perfect memory skill called 'Record'.

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