Fallen angel

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(Story is inspired by Stephanie Garber reads)

I lazily strolled through the garden's maze. High hedges of leafy bush and blue Hibiscus flowers manipulating the hedge from plain to resplendent. My crown was crooked on my hair, which was out of its original braid. I was tired, as tired as the washed out periwinkle of my gown. It was all to my mother's taste; oh, respectfully, fuck you, mother! I hadn't an idea what I was to do when I reached my destination. The Saintess Temple of Caspar. Caspar the Great was a fallen angel who had landed on Earth by accident. Due to his power over human beings, he indeed did torment other humans and took over the Northern part of Lucisco—my continent. It was an old myth, yet not forgotten by most. So much so that there is a Saintess Temple  dedicated to him. 

All I knew was that I wanted out of my own life, my own splendours if you could even call it that. I wanted out. Caspar's story was tragic. He'd died eventually—besides his immortality—due to the blade of his own creator, Matilde Spur. She was a witch and the creator of most angel's rebellious phase. She cursed them, engulfed them in darkness, and then spat them out to the world. From what I knew there was only five Fallen Angels: Casper, Salvia, Victoria, Fruticosa and Clary. They were all named after the sages that their curse was made from. See, I knew my history. And yet, when I reached the golden steps of the Temple, my skin buzzed with friction as if I was too vulnerable and unaware of what I was getting myself into. Yet anything was better than the palace.

To enter, it required three drops of blood. I pressed my finger to the small needle near the knob of the door and smeared it on the lock. Click. The door curiously creaked open. Whatever was to come smelled like spice and felt soothingly warm on my freezing skin. But as soon as I fully stepped inside all the spice and warmth was absent. Instead, it tasted like broken promises and empty words, and the chills had me clutching my whole body for heat. It's okay, you can do this. "Hello, holy...ones? If it isn't any trouble, I'd like to speak with your leader. Caspar." Nothing. Nothing save for the echo of my own strangled voice. Immediately I felt heady, as if magic was swooning me into an emotion I hadn't quite known before. Blood. It was like a whisper against my lips, imprinted on my mouth. "Blood", I repeated. Instantly, I looked for any sharp surface available. A dagger was snug in the sheath of a marble statue. I pulled it out and immediately pricked myself with a wince. 

"Is this what you seek?" I held up my bloody finger to the ceiling. "Hello?" I felt like a fool. This was a Temple for jokes, pranks and oddities. I was wasting my time. But I couldn't go back. "I am Princess of Lucisco! The soil in which you put your sad place of worship belongs to me, and so do you! So I demand to see your leader unless you want me to set fire to your precious temple, dammit!"A chuckle. A voice that didn't belong to me! I spun around to see way too much beauty than I was used to. It was him. Caspar, The Begotten Angel, dressed in the finest white and gold silk one could lay their orbs on. "Hello, Princess." He had pale skin and cappuccino brown eyes. It was weird to see him smiling, as all the paintings of him weren't even slightly cracking a grin. His smile was beautiful with plump, plump lips and fangs that I wanted to sink deep into my neck—no, no I didn't. "I need help..."I whispered. "Oof, you're not a clever princess. You and I both know to never make deals with any one of the Fallen's." He turned to leave, as if bored with me already but I wouldn't give up this fight. "Wait! Casper-" "That isn't my name, princess. That's your name for me. Before my fall I had a name for myself. Sunghoon." As soon as he spoke his name the whole temple shifted. Now, we were standing in a palacios building with gold and white marble, incredibly blooming flower and citrus trees, and fountains spritzing out aging wine, each one a shade dark that the last. My breath was latched in my throat.

"Now, now, tell me what it is that you desire", said the angel.

"To leave home. To rid myself of the palace and my title. I want to be norm-" No. Not the word I was looking for. "I want to be free." The Angel's hands glowed navy blue. "What are you..." His lips twitched into an intoxicating smile. "I'm looking into the memories you that stimulated your request. Ah, so she tried to marry you off?" "Twice. And it's not just that." Sunghoon's hands stopped spilling light rays from his fingertips. "I can make it happen. But on one condition." He paused. "I want your daughter." Immediately, my thoughts raced. "You want to bed me?" Sunghoon's fangs appeared to bite on his bottom lips as he smirked. "You humans are truly ill-minded. No, I'm talking about the daughter you'll have in the future." Was I really such a fool to let him have my child? "Of course not, you pervert!"

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