▫️ Thirteen

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It had been days.

Four days to be precise and to say that I was apprehensive would be an understatement.

I was greatly unsettled. I spaced out too often. A colleague had called my name over five times just the other day.

I myself didn't realize all this but the people around me did ask whether I was fine constantly.

Things with the hospital had died out but we were still held accountable for the losses that had incurred.

This had affected our overall professional ranking since the mishap had been included as part of our misconduct.

Normally, I would have worried about the matter to the point of feeling depressed but this was not the case.

I was still anxious about the past work events but that wasn't the only concern I had in my mind. My main concern was Lorenzo.

I had tried to evade that topic, even in my thoughts, but this was no simple matter for me.

I thought about it every night before bed. I would wake up with the same thoughts and when I saw him, the name kicked back to thought.


I wondered who was she, my pathetic self going to the point of asking Orion whether Lorenzo had a girlfriend.

It was so low of me but I just wanted to know who she was. Luce had also suggested that perhaps it was a foreign name but I didn't have the energy to inquire further.

I knew she said this to make me feel better but I'd rather stick to the truth than hold onto such delusional thoughts.

I've never seen him with one.

That was what Orion had told me from my previous inquiry. It did relieve me a bit but then again, Lorenzo might not have shared that with my brother.

With that, my mood dropped and after concluding to myself that she was his girlfriend, I had avoided him since.

I hadn't seen him for thirty hours now, the fact that I was counting the time making me wonder whether I was truly avoiding him.

In that duration, I had hanged out with Hazel, Oliver's girlfriend. She had organized a surprise visit for one of their special days.

I didn't stay in their company for long, leaving them be after an hour, so that they would have time for themselves.

I buried myself into work after that, occupying my mind for the next couple of hours until I felt drained.

I went to take a nap in one of the empty rooms when I couldn't hold up any longer.

"Lilith," I felt a feathery touch on my forehead and I smiled as I snuggled into the warmth.

Lorenzo's index finger trailed over the side of my face as he framed my hair out of my face.

I smiled again when his finger moved to rest on my left cheek as he whispered my name.

I basked into the warmth of his hand when he fully cupped my cheek and I grinned all the more.

A few seconds passed before the warmth disappeared and I firmly gripped his warm hand before he drifted away.

I hugged the arm to myself like a pillow, now feeling content that the warmth was back.

I turned to lay on the other side of my face and it was then I heard a strangled cough.

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