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I didn't know what to say right away.

I hadn't expected such a request from Dr Lorenzo so I just stared back at him in surprise.

His expressions were expectant, his left eyebrow was slightly raised and his right hand rested on the arm of his seat uneasily.

There was a frown on his face, his glasses slightly slipping down but he didn't adjust them, his expression just as restless.

It was simply a coffee, I thought again and seeing no reason to object, I nodded once and then gave a verbal reply.

"Y-yeah, you can join us." Almost immediately, I noticed that he exhaled deeply, his arms relaxing soon after.

His index finger moved to fix his glasses and I could have sworn that his once gloomy expression turned into a cheerful one.

He looked away after briefly meeting my eyes and I almost chuckled at his expressions.

"We usually meet at around 7," I explained to him that Oliver and I met at that time at the small cafe beside the hospital.

His jaw ticked and a vein popped up on the left side of his neck as he shifted again into his seat.

He appeared troubled, restless even, as he pressed both arms of his chair with clenched hands.

"Everyday?" I scrunched my eyes trying to comprehend what he was hinting at and at the same time trying to read his face.

He didn't look that pleased and I noticed that his right leg was anxiously tapping over the floor.

"Y-You meet with him e-everyday?" He gritted out the words, his gaze set at the top of my desk in a glare.

He looked up at me after his query, his jaw clenched but upon seeing my confused face, he attempted to loosen up.

His eyebrows straightened a bit and he released his lips from that harsh purse, his left hand dropping from the chair's arm to the top of my desk.

I nodded at first and at that, his eyes narrowed and he frowned again, withdrawing his hand from my desk.

"It mostly depends with our schedules, if we're too busy we don't usually meet." I explained further, trying to figure out what had brought about his change of mood.

He seemed to somehow relax at my small answer, his hands again folding onto each other and I tried not to stare at their size.

His posture now looked a bit calm, his right leg no longer shaking and his gaze warm, making me smile.

I knew a smile would always bring out a change because his chin loosened up and a curve appeared on the corners of his mouth.

He stared at me in that carefree manner, our gazes remaining on each other for a while before the vibration of both of our phones pulled us out of that trance.

I watched him lean back into his chair, his legs spread out as he reached for his phone out of his pant pockets.

Did sitting look that attractive?

My subconscious mind asked and I stared a few seconds longer, our eyes meeting again that I looked away.

Feeling his eyes on me, I hastily unlocked my phone with slightly shaking hands and upon seeing the notification, I blurted out.

"It's from the hospital!" I quickly read through the entire message and then looked up at him.

The higher ups had requested a one hour meeting with all the doctors on duty to discuss an important matter.

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