▫️ Eleven

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He was definitely a happy man.

Grey Marshal was rocking his five month old daughter, Gina, in his arms while humming a certain song.

The smile on his face brightened every time she kicked her small legs and a tiny adorable laugh left her mouth.

Surely this wasn't the same man I knew two years ago. He'd been so reserved and the fact that he had married still remained a surprise to me.

I wasn't the only one who had a hard time believing this, everyone from the team being just as surprised when the invitation cards came in.

"You're not going to hold her today?" Grey turned to me when he saw his daughter's attention shift to me.

"Come on man, look at how eager she is." He encouraged again and I slowly extended my arms to Gina.

I carefully took her into my arms and held her closer to my chest while soothingly running my hand down her back as Lilith had shown me before.

Gina didn't cry this time. In fact, her tiny hands reached for my face and I smiled down at her.

"I can't believe what I'm seeing. Did you get lessons somewhere?" Grey joked at how I had gotten better with holding his baby.

I quickly shook my head and looked away before he could read any emotion on my face.

I could never remain unexpressive when she passed through my thoughts.

A faint smile grew at the corner of my lips and I really tried hard to suppress it.

His wife, Elle, walked back into the room and Grey's eyes went to her first before his daughter's followed.

Her eyes widened a tiny fraction when she saw me holding the baby and then turned to her husband.

"It's now Gina's nap time. I'll take her so that you can talk freely, okay?" Her hand ruffled through Grey's hair and he gazed up at her.

I turned my attention to their daughter instead but just like her father, she was longingly looking at her mother.

There was a slight ache in my heart as I thought, would I ever have this? Would I ever feel this?

"You're enjoying holding her?" His wife's voice sounded next to me and I slightly nodded my head while looking at their baby.

Gina's eyes shut as a yawn escaped her and I extended her to her mother, who briefly smiled at me.

I nodded again in acknowledgement and she turned to walk out of the room but Grey followed.

He leaned into his daughter's sleepy face for a kiss and his wife gave him one too before she shooed him back into the room.

I did envy him there.

Again, my thoughts shifted to Lilith and I wandered what she was doing right now.

She didn't have work so I couldn't guess where she was. I thought back of the warmth of her hand and the softness of her body against mine.

That had felt so magical to me and I longed for another skin to skin contact with her.

I knew that even if I got to hold her hand again, it wouldn't be enough. I would keep wanting more.

I wanted more than just touching. I wanted to be completely consumed by everything about her.

Her scent, her smile, her eyes, her voice, her everything.

"Can we now talk business?" Grey cleared his throat and looked at me like he could tell I was miles away.

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