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I stared at Lorenzo's back as he opened my door, his eyes assessing the surroundings before turning back to look at me.

"Let's join the rest," he beckoned me with a small tilt of the head, his voice just as soft as before.

I remained standing in the same spot, the panic from the announcement not yet gone, my hands still shaking.

I tried to suppress this anxious feeling, my doctor instincts resurfacing when I remembered that there were patients in need of my service.

I snapped out of my trance, my eyes lifting up to meet Lorenzo's, as I took a step forward.

His eyes steadily remained on me, his gaze encouraging me to walk towards him and I took the courage.

"Is everyone already g-gathered?" My voice was a bit shaky when the door closed behind us.

The corridors were clear, no movement could be heard around us.

"They must be at the emergency center," Lorenzo replied as we began to walk our way down the empty hallways.

I followed his lead till we got to where all the other doctors were gathered. They were already in their respective attire.

We quickly put on the remaining lab coats while listening to the instructions being given by Dr Marlin.

The construction site was about a kilometer away and there were roughly fifteen casualties, five of which were in a critical condition.

The hospital vans purposed to ferry us there pulled into the compound a minute later and we all gathered the necessary equipments to leave.

A wave of dizziness washed over me, the commotion around me making my head pound heavily but I held back this feeling.

I had to get over this. Even though this wasn't the usual work environment I was used to, I needed to fit in.

I jogged after the doctors ahead of me while trying to appear collected but I stumbled just before getting into the van.

A strong hand supported my arm so that I didn't fall over and when I lifted my head, it was Lorenzo who stood by my side.

His eyes darted over my face in what seemed like worry, his other arm respectfully supporting my lower back.

"Are you alright?" His words were filled with concern and I nodded once, assuring that I was fine.

He looked at my face for a second longer as if in doubt but before he could say more, our instructor urged us to get going.

He slowly dropped his hand from my arm though he didn't drop the arm on my back until I was fully inside the van.

I sat alongside three other doctors, Lorenzo settling just next to me as the van began moving.

The men appeared quite composed though one of the nurses seemed a bit scared. Her hands were shaking fiercely and I assumed this was her first camp.

Even I after attending two camps for the past three years, I usually panicked during these emergency operations.

"I heard that guys from the rescue team are already at the scene. I think it's more gruesome than we think."

One of the male doctors initiated a conversation as he looked between Lorenzo and I since we were seated opposite him.

"We can never know until we get there," a female nurse timidly responded and I hummed in reply.

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