Seokmin is safe

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As soon as Minghao saw Seokmin laying there unconscious with bruises covering his face and body, he immediately rushed towards him and pulled him into a hug crying his heart out.

Soonyoung too wanted to embrace Seokmin but he reprimanded as he wanted Minghao to reconcile with Seokmin first as he was devastated after the incident.

The rogues who were present there bowed towards Soonyoung.

He just rolled his eyes at them, anger bubbling inside him to just kill them then and there.

The dared to lay hand on his precious, they have to face the consequences.

Now you probably are wondering how did they find Seokmin?

You must thinking "Am I tripping or Did I miss a chapter?"

"In the last didn't chapter didn't we end on the point where they couldn't find Seokmin, so how are they here with Seokmin?"

Relax, your author is here to answer your questions ;)

We went ahead of time.

Let's rewind ⏪ and find out how did they find Seokmin, Shall we?


Soonyoung was frustrated as he couldn't find Seokmin.

And now the note that stated they wanted him and that is why they have kidnapped Seokmin.

He just cursed at himself for being born as a Trueblood.

If not for that stupid high rank, him and close ones would never be in trouble.

Soonyoung just wanted to tear those rogues apart and kill them.

Minghao who was still blaming himself for Seokmin's kidnapping came near Soonyoung,

"Hyung please get my bestfriend back. He must have not eaten anything yet, I am scared for him. I don't want to loose him hyung. Please get him, only you can do it. Please hyung", said Minghao emotionally holding Soonyoung's hands.

Soonyoung and others felt really bad for him.

Soonyoung pulled Minghao into a comforting hug and mumbled,
"Don't worry I'll get Seokmin back here safe and sound"

Meanwhile Jihoon with Wonwoo were examining the letter to see if there is any more information they could find.

"Wonwoo can you find anything in it, just anything, any clue that could lead us to Seok", asked Jihoon desperately.

"Um till I could no-- oh here there's something", said Wonwoo catching something in the letter.

Jihoon who had closed his eyes and crossed his fingers in hope to get a positive response from Wonwoo opened his eyes and stared at him.

"Really??, Oh that's great, I knew you'd never disappoint me Wonwoo ya",said Jihoon happily.

Wonwoo smiled at him and showed him the thing he found on the letter.

Jihoon examined it,
"It's a kind of symbol and I have seen this symbol somewhere"

The others who were present there also took a look at what Jihoon was staring intently at.

The others who were present there also took a look at what Jihoon was staring intently at

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