HJ Birthday celebration

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2 months later


t has been two months since they last celebrated Jeonghan's birthday.

In these two months nothing strange happened.

No one had attacked their pack.

Nor did the rogues try to pull any stunt.

It has been very peaceful in the span of two months.

The only thing that changed was Jeonghan's and Seungcheol's relationship.

They both had gotten a lot closer than they could expect.

Sure Seungcheol was still being a jerk towards Seokmin for stealing Jeonghan but other than that they both were on good terms.

Whenever Seungcheol would visit the Crescent moon pack he would always find Jeonghan around Seokmin or the others.

Other than Seungcheol and Jeonghan's relationship being bloomed in these two months, Jeonghan and Joshua's relationship also got more intimate.

And if you are wondering,

Yes Seungcheol and Jeonghan had their first kiss.

Let's go into the flashback shall we?

Jeonghan and Seungcheol had decided to spend some time together with just only the two of them.

It was after one month of Jeonghan's birthday.

They both had transformed into their wolf form.

This isn't the first time they both are transforming into their wolfs.

Hannie and Scoups have met before as well.

They were going on a run.

This activity has been Hannie's favourite after becoming close with Seungcheol.

They both reached towards the top of the woods from where they could see all of the Crescent moon pack.

They both transformed back into their human form and laid next to each other.

Jeonghan laid his head on Seungcheol's shoulder whereas Seungcheol wrapped his hand around Jeonghan.

They both laid there in silence. Only the noise of chirping of birds could be heard.

Jeonghan decided to break the silence.


"Yes Hannie"

Yes another thing that changed between them was that they started calling each other by nicknames.

"Do you think that i'd make a better Luna for your pack?"

He had been thinking about this since a long time.

He doesn't know if he will be able to fulfill all the duties of being a Luna.

He has only taken care of a few people. But taking care of a whole pack was a little too much for him.

What if he messes up?

Is the question that always comes up in his mind.

He wanted assurance and Seungcheol was there to give him that.

"Don't worry your pretty little head with these thoughts Hannie. I know for sure that having you and Joshua by my side I'll be able to tackle anything that comes my way. You are so kind, helpful and caring towards others and I assure you that you'd make me proud. My pack will have the best Luna in the form you and Joshua"

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