Rescue the Omega's

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Now everyone of them were ready with their full proof plan explained by Seokmin.

It was currently 5:40pm and as per Seokmin's knowledge it takes 15 mins to reach the destination where they are called.

The address which they received from the rogues is the same place which Seokmin knew.

Soonyoung and Seungcheol are going to head first.

The rest will follow them after a few minutes..

Soonyoung was nervous. The rogues had surely tried to kill him multiple times but it was either from afar or by trying to poison him without revealing themselves.

So this is the first time he is going to encounter the rogues.

Whenever the rogue wolfs would attack the Red Moon pack to get hold of the TRUEBLOOD. Soonyoung was always kept away from their reach.

He would insist on fighting the rogues with them. But the Head Alpha would always decline it.

Now here he is with the future Alpha of his pack encountering the rogues who are behind his life for what reason he himself doesn't know.

Seungcheol and Soonyoung looked around the place and could see that it was only surrounded by woods with only one Hut placed in the middle.

They assumed that the Omega's are in that Hut.

The Hut was pretty big and could fit almost 20 people in it.

They waited for almost 10 mins and there was no one besides them both.

"Why did they even call us here if there is no one who's going to show up?", said Soonyoung angrily.

"No need to get so worked up Alpha Soonyoung"

The voice came from behind them.

They both turned around to see three rogue wolfs staring at them. More specifically at Soonyoung.

Soonyoung had his eyebrows furrowed for some reason.

The rogues suddenly bowed towards Soonyoung.

"Accept our greetings Alpha"

Soonyoung was flabbergasted by this behaviour of them.

Seungcheol had his mouth agaped.

"Waah even the rogues respect him", thought Seokmin who was looking at the scene from afar.

"So much respect for a Trueblood", Jihoon thought

The rogues were still in that position.

"U-uhm u-uh yeah yeah ok", Soonyoung said unsure about why they suddenly bowed.

"Why did you bow at him?"

"Because he is the TRUEBLOOD"

"So if you respect him why are you behind him?"

"Yeah we respect him because he is the higher rank. But still he is an enemy for us"

"But why do you need him, he is just born as a higher rank. What would it benefit you?"

"Our boss has ordered us to bring the TRUEBLOOD to him and we are just following the orders. We don't know anything".

"Ughh, but why didn't your boss tell you the reason as to why he wants Soonyoung"

"Oh my my if isn't it the TRUEBLOOD Alpha Soonyoung himself", came another voice.

They all turned towards the voice and saw another rogue wolf but the wolf came out from the hut.

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