The Plan

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Ok I have a plan, said Seokmin getting everyone's attention on him

"What is it?", asked Seungcheol

"We'll bring the TRUEBLOOD with us but we all will also go with him", said Seokmin looking at each and everyone's expressions

"I am told to come with him alone. I won't allow everyone to come. What if they come to know and they do something to the omega's", said Seungcheol

"I am not saying we'll show up in front of them. We will hide somewhere near"

"What would it benefit us?, asked Seungcheol not understanding Seokmin's point

"If you do not interfere in between then he'll be able to explain his plan", said Jeonghan

"Um thanks Hannie hyung"
"So as I was saying before being rudely interrupted. When the rogues will be busy with the TRUEBLOOD we'll sneak into the tent where the omega's are then we'll be able to save them and we don't even have to give the TRUEBLOOD to them"

"What if they don't call us where they have kept the omega's. What if they call us somewhere else"

"That's a good point"

"Umm can you show me the video they had sent?"

Seungcheol took out his phone and opened the video and gave it to Seokmin

Seokmin looked at the video his eyes saddening at the view of his friends hurt and lying there without food and water.

Minghao almost looked paled and he had some bruises on his face.

Seokmin clenched his jaw and swore that he would give a painful death to those who caused this.

He inspected the video carefully and something caught his eye.

Everyone was curiously watching Seokmin look into the video.

He sometimes would furrow his eyebrows, clench his jaw and mumble some curse words.

"Found it", Seokmin exclaimed

Everyone was startled by his sudden outburst.

They quickly huddled besides Seokmin and looked into the video.

"What, what did you find", said Soonyoung already by Seokmin's side trying to reach for the phone.

Seokmin titled the screen so that everyone could see.

They could see a sign on the wall above where the omega's are sleeping.

"I know this sign. It is used by some rogues when they are dealing with some bad stuff"

"Where did you see this sign and how do you know about it?", asked Soonyoung.

"Um I had seen when I went on a run when I was eleven. I had asked about it to our previous Head Alpha, current Head Alpha's father"

Soonyoung's mouth formed a "o"

"But we can't just go there. It can be dangerous for us and the omega's as well" - Mingyu

"And what if they have many places like this. The place which you might not be the one we are looking for" - Seungcheol

"Have you decided that whenever you'll open your mouth to speak only negative things will spew from it? Why are you so negative?" - Jihoon

"Also this Seokmin's rough plan. He just stated what we need to do. Of course we'll be having a full proof plan and then proceed with it",said Jihoon further.

"Yeah ok ok I was just saying that could be the possibility"

"No need to speak it would be okay if you keep your mouth shut", said Jihoon

"Hey you can't speak like that to our future Alpha" - Mingyu

"Then tell your future Alpha that in every situation we need to be positive and think positively"

"Should we focus on the important matter that we have in our hands?", said Jeonghan annoyed at them

"Tell your mate to not speak in between then" - Jihoon

"Ok moving on, we are now going to start planning. As Jihoonie hyung said we need a full proof plan if we want to enter their vicinity", said Seokmin stopping the fight.

If he didn't it would continue to go on.

Just a ding came from Seungcheol's phone.

His phone was still in Seokmin's hand.

Seokmin passed on the phone to the future Alpha of Red Moon.

He saw that he had received a text from the same number that had sent the video.

He opened it and saw an address there with time.

"From whom is the text?"- Jun

"The same person who had sent the video", replied Seungcheol

"Well what does it say?" - Vernon

"It says that we have to arrive at the given address by evening 6pm"

"Ok now it's 4pm so we have two hours with us"

"Yeah so let's start"

"Not here we should go to some quiet place. People around are staring at us", said Joshua

"Let's go to my place. I live alone anyways", said Jeonghan

"Yeah that's a good idea"

So they proceeded going to Jeonghan's place to discuss the plan.

Hey readers
As some of you might be confused as to what is going on and why are the Rogues behind the TRUEBLOOD aka Soonyoung.
I am here to give you a spoiler. So that you can understand.

Well Soonyoung and Seokmin are mates and Seokmin is special. He is stronger than all of the wolf kind even stronger than the TRUEBLOOD. So if Soonyoung and Seokmin mate each other their bond will be stronger than the most mate bonds. So that is why the rogues are behind the TRUEBLOOD to stop him from being mates with Seokmin. They don't know the true identity of Seokmin, they just know that he is special.

You have to stay tuned and wait for few more chapters to know what Seokmin really is :))

Another update :DD

Hope you'll love it.


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