{Chapter 7 - Dangerous Situation}

367 15 2

Location - Outskirts, Gensokyo


A powerful gust of wings flies out of Heisuke's fingers towards the horde of corrupt Youkais and undead humans, blasting them back with enough power to tear them apart, ensuing the start of the battle.

All of the creatures of the damned not hit by the attack cried out like demons as they rushed towards Heisuke. The titans tore open the ground with their bare hands, tossing giant boulders at the blue-haired man, while some of the Youkais used corrupted magic sigils to fire out differing types of projectiles towards him.

"Heh..." He smirked before putting his arm down standing facing them fully watching in amusement as they approached him before then suddenly the System's screen popped up before him, gaining his attention momentarily as he read the text displayed on it's screen.

[Quest Start!]

[Pseudo Hell!]

[Kill All Youkais/Undead humans and Honkai Beasts: 12/150000]

[Reward: Two Chaos Emeralds, 100K Rings, 50 Million SP, 500 Million USD, a huge boost in all stats]

[Warning! It is recommended to use the current world ring you have also known as the "Ring Of Joy" to reduce the chances of being corrupted!]

"Corruption?" He repeated with a raised eyebrow before evading some of the projectiles being shot at him before returning with a powerful kick toward them shooting a blue projectile of air towards them destroying about twenty of them.

He looked closely at the Youkais but he didn't see any Honkai beasts or any honkai zombies for that matter. "System, why's there no Honkai-esque enemies?" He asked before quickly equipping the Ring Of Joy on his index finger and rushing towards a group of Youkais plowing through them like a bulldozer against a child.

{Playing Music: One Punch Man OST DARK ENERGY Epic Cover}

Limbs, organs, bones, and blood sprayed everywhere as Heisuke continued ramming through them. Blood fell onto his face and clothes, but this blood corrupted by the sheer negative energy of the place would normally corrupt any Youkai, human, or even Honkai in it. However, thanks to the system, it was halted momentarily until the Ring of Joy came in to prevent the effects.

As for why Heisuke wasn't immediately throwing up due to seeing the carnage he caused that was due to him have the being he chosen's memories, experiences, the System controlling him and just him probably being a psychopath... Probably.

{They will appear soon. Right after you kill 50 thousand of the Youkais, Yukari Yakumo will speak into your mind and then summon 100 thousand Honkai Beasts and zombies to face you.}

Heisuke sweatdrop hearing that, there is no way he would be able to beat this quest... Not right now anyway but it's not like he had a choice.

"Fuck me... So how long until you can get me out of here? You did say you could, after all." He questioned as he stopped plowing through his enemies and began swiping the air using his wind to cut and cleave through each and everyone of them while dodging and weaving any projectiles or melee coming his way and responding with more wind slashes and melee combos of his own.

{Four hours, twenty minutes and thirty seconds}

Heisuke's eyes shot open in shock hearing that before jumping into the air dodging a punch from one of the titans before socking it hard in it's jaw shattering it and ending it with a homing attack through it's head.

He then lands back on the ground looking around his surroundings quickly before vanishing in a blur of blue once again.

"Seriously system four hours!? I literally had a fight with a fucking Herrscher not too long ago, come on-"

He paused his ranting as he ducked under the swing of a sword from an armored Youkai before slashing his arm off with a swipe of wind before then grabbing his sword and slashing at him over and over again, cutting the armored Youkai to ribbons before moving onto the others, spinning around like a ball while cutting them all apart before stopping as he used his boost to go downwards, spinning around before slamming his blade into the ground, causing a giant blue shockwave that pushed away any and all Youkais in the 1KM radius.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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