{Chapter 6 - Date? Or Death?}

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Location - Hyperion

After having to deal with whatever it was that attacked and stole his mother in some dream alternate-dimensional reality, Heisuke was now walking alongside a still-recovering Himeko, who had some bandages here and there on her curvy figure, as you all already know, from fighting and pushing herself against the Herrscher of Thunder.

They were conversating about random things like their pasts and their favorite things to do, the whole nine yard while they made their way to the cafeteria of the ship. All the while being watched by unknown forces.

"It honestly wasn't that hard to kill those Honkais, they're durable as hell sure... But I'm going tooo fast for that shit to matter." Heisuke said with a cocky smirk.

Himeko sighed with an eyeroll. "Okay yeah sure, but Nagazora is still a wasteland, because a certain cocky moron decided to waste time than finish the fight." She chastised pointing a finger at him with a knowing smirk.

Blinking in surprise that she'd say that, Heisuke just shrugged with a smirk of his own. "Well, Wouldn't have been as fun if I had just taken her out in one shot... Besides I could have probably accidentally killed her or accidentally destroyed the entirety of Japan." He nonchalantly explained.

Himeko shook her head with a snort, his explanation sounded faulty and while there maybe the possibility of him not being able to control his powers... Which is a scary thought, someone as powerful as him is so powerful he can't even control his own powers. Just makes her wonder how strong he really is. While that thought hung in her head she decided to retort at his earlier statement.

"But it's not fun, to just, keep the fight dragging on unnecessarily, just to play with her." She responded.

Heisuke looked at her for a moment before with a thoughtful expression. "It just... Feels good though." He muttered, looking up at the ceiling closing his eyes and smiling joyously as he remembered his fights last night.

Himeko furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him in confusion. "Felt good?" She asked as she thought about his words for a few moments, she grew an understanding at what he meant but at best it was an accusation or an assumption... So why not just ask him what he means by it.

"Felt good as in...?" She tilted her head to the side, her eyes narrowing, now filled with curiosity

Heisuke held his smile as he opened one of his eye, giving her a side eyed glance with his smile turning into a knowing, alluring smirk. " C'mon, Hime, you know what I mean." He grinned a little before looking back at her.

Himeko shook her head awaiting his further explaination making him sigh a little running a hand through his hair with an eyeroll.

"C'mon... Don't you get a little happy seeing such an asshole like that Herrscher suffer or struggle? I mean, she tried to kill you and everyone else, didn't she?" He asked in a low and enticing tone, narrowing his eyes at her as he took on a slightly manipulative turn.

The moment of realization hit Himeko as soon as he mention the word 'suffer'.... She thought about the reason as to why he decided to make the fight dragged on when he could have ended it right there and then.

"You're sadistic..." She muttered with a surprise look, though she wasn't sure why she was surprised... After all he did drag that fight on for a long while and occasionally had a wide grin on his face every time he punched the Herrscher. 

"Either he's sadistic or just loves beating women..."

Heisuke's ears on his head twitched a little in irritation with a tic mark on his head at her groaning sounding almost disappointed at the possibility of him being a sadist.

"And what is wrong with that exactly!?" He asked with a comically angered look.

Himeko huffed a little when she got that little reaction out of him, the ears twitching and the look of irritation on his face seemed adorable to her. Though she won't admit it herself.
"You like seeing people suffer? And you take delight in inflicting pain and suffering onto others? If you weren't as nice as you are I would really question your sanity." She groaned out after she finished her sentence and shook her head.

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