{Chapter 5.5 - Dread}

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"... Huh?"

Heisuke eyes suddenly opened wide as he felt something off and he quickly figured out why as he found himself standing instead of laying down on his comfy bed in the Hyperion.

His green eyes darted around in confusion, seeing ruined wooden floors with holes and old walls that all seemed familiar to him, along with the furniture damaged but usable also being familiar to him, along with that smell of death and the feeling of despair.

Though he was still wearing the clothing he had changed into for sleeping, a nice comfy skjin tight blue shirt and short black trackpants with white lacing. 

Apart from his wardrobe, he heard a strange eerie song playing that made his skin crawl outside the room. It sounded close but also far away. It sounded like trumpets were being played, but it sounded so... distorted. Then again, everything about this room was distorted.

"Jesus, what is this place, hell? Or some shitty nightmare?" He wondered breathlessly with a small shiver feeling a cold chill all of a sudden, he glanced over to his left seeing a door with no knob on it.

A sigh of irritation escaped his lips as he shook his head before running towards the door at full sprint only to realize he was running waaay slower than usual, like at least five hundred times less than he usual would be casually moving at.

"Are you kidding me? My speed is gone too, Uggh...." He groaned. "System! What the hell is going on!?" He yelled, as he rammed himself into the door only for nothing to happen.

He groaned at this, deciding to try and spin kick open the door only for once again nothing to happen. "Damnit... System! Say something!" He yelled once again only for no response to be met, he hammered away at the door, and it did not warrant any results apart from the fact the door was indestructible.

Heisuke despite his attempt being in vain finds himself unable to break down the door. "Haa... Haa... Are you kidding me... Of all the things to stop me with this new body and powers... It's a goddamn door!?" He cursed as he gave up from exhausted striking and kicking at the door.

He tiredly glanced over to his right seeing something that was very familiar to him in his childhood a burnt Dreamcast, he rose an eyebrow at the console just randomly sitting against the wall next to an old broken T.V. In the dimly light, hellish room.

"Where did these things come from?" He asked himself confused, walking over towards it and crouching down to inspect the charred device.

The old console was not functional, which was obvious due to the wiring being out all over the place and pieces of it slowly falling off. Heisuke had a small frown looking down at it, and the longer he looked, the more he began to realize where he was.

His eyes widen as he stood up once more glancing behind him at what seemed to be a library shelf except there were no books and it was damaged just like everything else in the room, HIS room.

He closed his eyes with a small sigh. "This... Isn't some random place... It's my room." The realization hit him hard, but he didn't show it, his mind was going all over the place wondering why of all times would his hell be his old room.

Or... If it wasn't his hell a dream a very bad dream or a nightmare even. Why would he dream about this place? He gritted his teeth a little in irritation.

"So much for forgetting about the past." He grumbled, closing his eyes and tightening his fists at his sides, hoping for whatever is going on to end.

"Why would you want to forget about something like this. My son." 

Heisuke's eyes widen hearing the slightly distorted somewhat deep voice yet familiar motherly voice of HIS.

He then closed his eyes with a sigh gritting his teeth a little. "No wonder this place felt somewhat familiar..." Heisuke muses, crossing his arms and tapping his finger on his bicep.

Behind him at the table is a woman, with brown hair long hair and a rope tied tightly around her neck, her sclera black with white pinpricks for pupils, she wore a white dress with blood dripping down from her covered neck, she looked beautiful... But terrifying at the same time.

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