{Chapter 3 - Youkai vs Honkai}

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Location - Nagazora

*No POV*


The wind begins picking up as two of the most powerful beings, Youkai and Herrscher for the first ever face off against one another. It's silent for a moment, with the faint sound of lightning crackling around the HoT's body.

Bronya was watching from atop a building, confused at who the man with blue hair and ears on his head was, but was mostly terrified, even though she didn't show it, at being so close next to the Herrscher she was supposed to be keeping an eye on.

"This man... the Bronya, can't detect any fear from him despite the situation he is in. Who or what is he?" She asks walking forward a bit, before stopping as she accidentally kicked a stone.

The stone falls from the building to the streets below, and as it touches the ground, Heisuke lunges towards the Herrscher, who quickly responds by launching a multitude of electromagnetic spheres, all moving faster than the speed of light.




The lightning crackling off the balls destroy buildings and the ground nearby, however confident in his new abilities, Heisuke just keeps going, side stepping or spinning of the way of the lightning whilst also dodging the electromagnetic spheres.

He does it so fluently it's as if he had done for so many years, doing it all with a smile on his face as well.

"Tch." The Herrscher, annoyed at how easily he is maneuvering through her attacks despite the speed and power behind them, decides to summon Honkai Beasts to ware him down by snapping her fingers.


Heisuke after dodging all the attacks, looks behind him at the destruction they caused, completely vaporizing entire 100 meter sections of city. He just shrugs and looks back at the woman with a smirk.

Until his ear twitches, he quickly dodges and over head swing from a Honkai Beast, he looks up with an annoyed expression an gritted teeth at the two building sized Honkai Beasts.

"Storm Templar? You must be kidding? If you can't even beat me what makes you think they will?" He asks arrogantly, glancing over at the smirking HoT.

"Do not underestimate my subjects, insect! Rend him apart my loyal dogs!" She yells, at the two lighting powered Templar Class Honkai.

The two titan dash towards Heisuke shields positioned in front of them fully intending on ramming straight into Heisuke possibly exploding or flattening his body.

"Haa..." Heisuke tapped his feet shaking his head. "Too slow."

He then smirked before curling into a ball using a homing attack towards the Templar to the left before uncurling himself into an axe kick, slamming the back of his heel onto the Templar's head, obliterating it, and burying the powerful Honkai Beast. into the ground before lunging and smashing several fast punches, causing holes to form on it's body, before slamming a powerful kick onto its midsection, sending it flying into a building. All of this happened in nanoseconds.

He lands back onto the streets and dusts his hands for a moment, before doing some stretches then fixing his gloves.

"So much for ''not underestimating your subjects'', eh ''queen''? Hehehe." He chuckles, wiping his nose with a finger cockily, the HoT however is not amused, and snaps her fingers summoning twenty more.


"Woooah!" Heisuke yelled as he tried to keep his balance from the earthquake caused by the Templars' stomping towards him.

Bronya watches the scene of these massive Honkai Beasts tearing down buildings and now surrounding the blue-haired man with a bit of fear and amazement at how he doesn't seem to be affected by the situation he's in, and now deciding it might be a good idea to cut her losses and leave, flying towards the Hyperion.

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