{Chapter 1 - Prologue}

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Location - Beyond The Box

*??? POV*

Sømɇŧɨmɇs, øn ɍȺɍɇ øȼȼȺsɨøns ŧwø sɏsŧɇm ᵾsɇɍs ȼøᵾłđ ɇnđ ᵾᵽ ɨn ŧħɇ sȺmɇ Wøɍłđ, ŧħɇ sȺmɇ ᵾnɨvɇɍsɇ...

Ŧħɇ ᵽøssɨƀɨłɨŧɨɇs øf wħȺŧ ȼøᵾłđ ħȺᵽᵽɇn ɨf ŧħɇ ŧwø sɏsŧɇm ᵾsɇɍs mɇeŧ ɨs Ⱥs ɏøᵾ ǥᵾɇss ɨŧ, Ɇnđłɇss.

Nøw ŧħɇn Ɨ wøn'ŧ ħøłđ ɏøᵾ Ⱥs łønǥ Ⱥs Ɨ đɨđ ƀɇføɍɇ øƀsɇɍvɇɍ, Ⱥfŧɇɍ Ⱥłł ɏøᵾ Ⱥɍɇn'ŧ ħɇɍɇ føɍ mɇ, ɏøᵾ'ɍɇ ħɇɍɇ føɍ ŧħɇm.


Føɍ nøw.


Location - Japan, Hospital

*No POV*

The hospital, a place of medicine, a place of care, a place of recovery, a place where the sick or the injured go to cured or healed.

Sometimes they make a full recovery just missing a few things then they will have to adjust to said things, or sometimes...they can't recover and have to wait for death to take them...

A doctor walks into a room where a patient laying in bed no hair on his head, tired dark-brown eyes, pale skin, and bags under his eyes lays in bed.

"Shojiro-san was it?" A doctor asks

"H-huh? Y-yeah, that's me..." The young man says.

"Heisuke Shojiro, 18 years of age...and diagnosed with stage 3 cancer." The doctor further clarifies.

Heisuke laughs a bit...the laugh of someone who lost pretty much everything...his dad, his mom...his life is probably lost now too, if the cancer doesn't kill him...he probably will himself.

"W-well, doc...am I gonna make or...?" He pauses, he looks into the doctors eyes.

The doctor sighs. "I'm sorry to say but...unfortunately you are not going to make it..." 

"...I see...well...it ain't you or your staffs fault...all my damn dads..." He says in a bitter tone.

The doctor looks at the boy with sympathetic expression. "And who was your father?"

"I don't know, don't care to remember who he was either... H-he's that much of a bastard for abandoning me and my mother." He pauses to catch his breath

The doctor looks at the boy for a second, before then writing down everything he just said on a notepad, he then turns his attention back to the boy.

"And your mother?" He asks, edging the boy on to continue.

"...She died...committed suicide...about 3 years back..." He says, his voice noticeably more dejected.

"But...since I'm gonna die, maybe I'll see here again... though I'm not sure how I'd feel to meet her again." Heisuke then turns to the doctor. "So... how much longer...do I got left?" 

"2 hours..." The doctor says.

"Heh, 2 hours huh, wow....2 hours left of my short life on Earth...so surreal, and to make it worse I spend it inside some hospital room without any relatives, damn...not how I expected my life to end...oh well." He says with a smile, he then turns giving the doctor a bright smile trying to hide his pain.

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