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 I felt so still. The shock that went through my body was overwhelming. I couldn't help but laugh. I burst out in laughter. I laughed for what felt like five minutes. She must've been joking.

"Davina." The seriousness her voice held brought my laughter to an end.

"Nargue, what? That's insane. We only just met a few months ago." I still held a small smile at her joke.

"Davina I swear on Augustus's life, I am not joking."

All humor left my body as magic left the land. I felt myself dissociate. I couldn't help but just stare at the beautiful woman. Her hair was back to its usual curly afro and she looked divine.

"I am so deeply sorry that it has gone on this long. August begged Marcel and I to keep our silence, to let him explain the situation. We have, that's why we have kept our distance from you. Out of respect for him, but also because it is too painful." Her voice was so soft, I had never seen her so vulnerable. Her eyes met mine and tears threatened to spill over.

I felt my hands start to shake. I couldn't tell if I was angry or shocked, hurt or betrayed.

"I-I.." I felt tears teasing my lashes and I did my best to keep them in.

"I couldn't keep my silence anymore, I am so sorry Davina."

"What are you talking about?" I didn't know if I spoke the words or if I thought them, but she knew my question whether she heard it or assumed it.

"350 years ago, we met."

"That...Nargue-that makes no sense. I was only twenty years old when I was turned into a vampire. That can't be true."

"You are not only a vampire. You've been alive for five hundred years, Vina." No. That just could not be possible.

"But...I grew up in the orphanage. I remember my whole very human childhood."

" did grow up there, just 500 years ago. You are not human. Not one bit. It was stupid of August to turn you, and trust me we bitched him out for it. He was just so terrified of losing you again. He was so shocked to see you at that horrible auction..."

"Nargue there is no way I have been alive for 500 years. I am very confused. If I'm not human, what am I?"

"I know, and I am sorry, but it is true. You are 500 years old," She looked down at her hands and they shook slightly. "You are half fairy, half gnome. And now you are part vampire, creating the first ever tribrid."

"I can assure you that I would know if I was part fairy and gnome. I don't know what you are trying to do, but I don't appreciate it." I went to stand, but the words that she spoke next, had me frozen in my tracks.

"The dresses, you made them. They are your own collection."

"What..." I knew it sounded crazy, but it was also the first thing she had said that had made any sense.

"Why do you think they fit so well? You've always been into creating clothing and after Augustus and you met, he built you a studio and you went crazy." An endearing laugh came from her. "You wouldn't leave that studio, we had to bring food to you."

I felt nothing was funny about the situation. I simply examined the precise stitching on the dress. I was very much in shock.

"Why do I not remember?"

"There was a war. Not the most recent, this one was about 200 years ago. This war ensued because of...your existence. Your father was a fairy. He was mated to a woman and they were in love for a long time. Things started to slowly fall apart and he had an affair. He slept with a gnome. Your mother. She gave you up when you were born to conceal your identity. She didn't want any harm to come to you. Cross mating was very taboo back then. It still is, but it was so intense, you would be killed."

"When your father's mate found out about your existence, she tore the world apart trying to find you. She ripped apart any creature who stood in her way."

I tried my best not to cry. This was the first time, from what I could remember, that I had learned anything about my parents and it was very intense for me.

Nargue continued, "At this point you were an adult and you were living here with us, engaged to August. She got wind that you were somewhere in the Vampire court, so you decided to do what was best for everyone and run. You hid in plain sight and erased your memory. As well as everyone's besides Augustus, Marcellus, and mine. You consented to erase your own memory. You said it was safer and less painful for you to forget..." Small tears slid down her dark cheeks and she wiped them softly. "We have missed you so. It has been the hardest on August...things were bad for a very long time.. He was petrified that you were harmed or killed in the most recent War. Marcel and I nearly stepped in as rulers because he was so beside himself."

I still felt stunned. I had nothing to say. If it was true, then it sounds like it was my choice, but that didn't take away from the anger I felt toward Augustus for being reunited with me for months and not telling me the truth. And I was going to fuck him up. 

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