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August had planned a beautiful lakeside breakfast for us the next morning. He had pulled an ornate rug from the castle and placed it on a flat area of the shore. There was a platter of muffins and fruit, crumpets and teas, there were light wines and cheeses. It was divine. He also had his massive stallion, Sarge, secured to a nearby Sequoia root, I assumed for a ride back to the castle after we finished up. It had been much warmer that day than usual and our conversations had been light and pleasant, full of laughter and flirting. I never knew life could feel so content.

He picked up a piece of cantaloupe and tossed it into his mouth, chewing quickly, and took a sip of his white wine. The bottle described hints of peach and lemon. The light carbonation added to the calming mood.

"So, Davina Lauriar, what do you enjoy doing for entertainment?" He asked softly. He leaned back onto the heels of his hands, stretching his tall frame out in the overcast sun. He lifted his face a bit, savoring the warmth of the rays on his cold skin. He crossed his now slightly sandy bare feet.

I couldn't help but admire the skin on his bared chest and the short auburn hairs that danced in the wind there. He was beautiful. Nearing divine.

He threw me a small grin and I rolled my eyes in response. "I like to read."

"Well, I could've guessed that seeing how obsessed with the library you were." He chuckled at the memory. "What else?"

I softly rolled my eyes again at his teasing and popped a cube of swiss cheese in my mouth, washing it down with the white wine and responded, "I love nature." I said, gesturing with my glass to the gorgeous landscape before us.

"I'm glad I chose an outdoor breakfast." His smile was sweet, like a young boy who guessed the right answer.

"Me too." I moved to my side, resting my cheek on my palm. I was getting comfortable in my admiration and I was sure he knew it, at least I thought so by the quick flash of his dimple. He let his head rest slightly on his shoulder, watching me closely and spoke.

"What are you truly passionate about?" He asked.

This made me think. I didn't know of any true passions I held. At the orphanage I mainly cooked and worked, I took care of kids. And I wouldn't call my attitude passionate. There wasn't much time to do anything  fun or for myself. I simply just finished my day and went to bed. I guess in the rare moments that I was free I found myself-


His eyebrows shot up, he seemed genuinely shocked. About what, I wasn't entirely sure. Whatever it was, he masked it as soon as it came, an endearing face taking its place. But I didn't miss it.

"Gardening, I wouldn't have pegged you for a in the dirt, on your hands and knees kind of woman." He commented. It actually offended me very much.

He didn't even know me very well and he was already making assumptions about me. I had never been one to shy away from a hard day's work, and I didn't like that something about me was giving off the opposite.

I felt my brows furrow in response to his words. I let a small scowl show and set him straight, "I have absolutely no issue with getting my hands dirty. You forgot I lived in an orphanage. There were times we had to share baths when I was younger. In the winters we would be snowed in and would have no water source. On top of that I was responsible for most of the washing, cooking, and gardening. We didn't grow much but sometimes we would get lucky with a patch of soil and have a small harvest." I told him, " I don't know what is giving you that impression, but it is very much wrong."

He held a hand up in defense and stated, "I meant no harm, I was just surprised is all."

"I mean, I'm out here by this lake in the midst of dirt and bugs. I would jump in if I had swimming clothes. I'm sure the water's great."

I saw his eyes darken at the reminder we both got. That night by the lake. I remember feeling so hot. The desire that built in me that night was overwhelming. There was no stopping it.

A deep grin made its way onto Augustus' face as he slowly rose to his feet. His fingers reached for his buttons and he started undressing.

I knew then what he was doing, but was too nervous to accept it.

"What are you doing?" I asked. My eyes widened slightly as I watched him untuck his button up and continue down the line of buttons. The trail of hair going down into his trousers was becoming more visible by the second and I nearly stopped breathing.

"I'm going for a swim." My stomach flipped as his grin turned into a full blown smile, shrugging the shirt off, dropping it onto the rug. "Are you coming?"

I scrambled to my feet, eyeing the smooth lake and back to his hands. His large, sensual hands, as they moved to his pants. His full muscles were within my reach and I could hardly focus. 

"I-but, you don't have any swimming attire." I knew what he was about to do and I didn't know what to do about it.

He smirked, a knowing expression, and said, "I don't need any."

He lowered his pants. 

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