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Rage boiled under my skin at his ignorance. "You slaughtered dozens of humans tonight. They were ripped to shreds before my very eyes. I am horrified that you would allow something like that to happen within the walls of this castle."

He rolled his eyes. He rolled his eyes. Shock and disgust covered my features as I crossed my arms once more.

"We are vampires, Davina. I didn't tell you because I knew how you would feel about it. I meant to have you out of there before they were served, but I was distracted by Magnus. We are the literal beasts of the night. We like sex, drinking, and blood. What did you expect when I said, dinner? You were in a room full of blood thirsty vamps."

"Served? That is heinous, August." I was in complete shock at his lack of awareness, bile nearly filled my throat. He didn't understand the magnitude of what just happened. The fear they felt. He had never lived as a human before. I covered my mouth in disappointment.

"I'm sorry. But it's what you are. We've kept things very low key around you, but we are what we are." His rage flamed within him again as he looked at Roman and back to me. "And that doesnt give you the right to fuck another man. He's not even a vampire!" He got closer to me then, he hovered so close to my face, throwing his hand in Roman's direction. I could nearly feel the rage coming off him in waves.

"I have no intention of fucking anyone tonight." I stared him down as well. "Just because you're a monster, doesn't mean you have to be one." He reared back in shock, holding my eye contact, his rage changing to hurt.

Roman cleared his throat then. After a moment I pulled my eyes from August's, meeting Roman's silver ones.

He took one last puff of his cigar and threw it into the fountain, "Well this has been fun. Very interesting. I'd love to stay and play, but I've got more important things to attend to."

He stalked back towards the castle, but stopped, turning on his heel, "Oh, and Davina doll, the answer to your question earlier, mating bonds snap into place immediately. Sorry to hear you've been misinformed." He smirked at Augustus.

That was the final nail in the coffin. August launched himself at Roman, going for his neck. The second he made contact, Roman disappeared. The only thing he left behind was a flurry of black stardust.

I stood there with my mouth hanging open. I never asked him anything. How did he know about our conversation?

"August I would never discuss our bond with another man. That's insane. He's lying about everything. We barely even spoke. It was nothing!" He just looked at me, disgusted and turned away.

"August." I followed him. I would chase him across the castle if I needed to.

And that's what I did. I never stopped trying to talk to him. We approached his room and he threw the door open, dismissing the two guards who stood there. I followed him inside and he slammed it.

"August will you just speak to me?" I pleaded. I walked to him, placing my hand on his cheek. "I am sorry about all of this, but I would never even dream of being with another man. I only want you." I caressed his face softly.

"Okay." He let out a sigh and rubbed his face. "I apologize as well. I never intended for you to see that tonight. It must've been hard for you and I acknowledge that, but it is also the way of our kind." His rage had calmed quite a bit and he looked at me with sad eyes. "Can you accept that?"

"I...I think I could accept knowing about it, but not witnessing it. I never want to hurt anyone or watch anyone be hurt. It goes against my morals. I understand that it is who and what we are but like I said, there are ways to go about it without being monsters."

I wouldn't change my view on this, but knew it was important to acknowledge and try to understand his. It would be hard to see things differently when they've been that way his whole life.

"Okay, can you forgive me? I don't want to fight with you." His voice was low and he met my eyes with his dark ones. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest. "You have my heart, Davina Laurier."

I rubbed my fingers over the part of his chest where his heart lay. "I love you, Augustus." My voice was a mere whisper.

His breath caught and he cradled my face between his hands, his face full of love and adoration.

"I am so deeply in love with you, Davina." He brought my face to his and kissed my lips gingerly. Slowly it developed into a full blown make out.

His hands caressed my body and mine ruined his hair. We were panting, our breath mixing as our tongues clashed, both fighting for dominance.

He slid his hands under the rips in my clothing, leaving warmth in their path. I felt so hot, liquid pooling between my thighs.

We had been intimate but we had never gone this far before. I thought we would stop by now, but the further things progressed, the more I realized I didn't want them to stop.

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