Angel, you fucking asshole.

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Is it just me, or does every Mother Mother song fit Alastor? Whether it be one line, the meaning of the song, or just the way the song sounds, it always seems to fit him well... or maybe I'm just delulu... (I listened to this song on repeat writing this chapter sksksks)

Lucifer leaned against the balcony railing, his coat folded and draped over it. He didn't get dressed up for the party. Luckily, Charlie didn't say anything, he didn't feel like changing into something fancier.
He honestly didn't want to be here. He wanted to be in his room, he just... Didn't want to talk with anyone, what with Alastor being a dick, as always, and the whole thing with... God... And redemption... He just-... What was the need to throw a big party like this? Pentious wasn't here for it. It was pointless.

He looked up into the sky painted in a dark red hue. It was hard to tell the difference between night and day here for most, if you didn't have a clock, that is, other than the slight shift in the skies colors, for the king of hell it was rather easy, but Lucifer supposed, having been in hell longer than everyone, He just got used to how the sky looked.

His eyes traced along the glowing pentagram, his thumb rubbing against his wedding ring absentmindedly, it was like a nervous tic of his, something he rarely noticed unless confronted about it.
He sighed, looking down at the city, listening to the sounds of gunshots, screaming, music blaring and anything else going on. Even with the loud noises from pentagram city he could very well hear the ruckus from inside, and, of course, it was something involving Alastor. He let out an exaggerated sigh, based on how Vaggie yelled his name, he'd probably have to intervene or something... Honestly, he wanted a chance to wipe that cocky grin off of Alastors face.

He rolled up his sleeves and turned to face the door, leaning back on the railing with one leg crossed over the other, a bored and annoyed expression on his tired face.
As the door began to open and Alastor walked out, he wasn't surprised, but he was surprised by the taller demons appearance, his eyes widening for a second as all thoughts left his head. Lucifer snapped back into reality as Alastor closed the door behind him.
". . . Well. . . Look at that, you actually look presentable." Lucifer teased, his voice sarcastic and monotone.
His eyes lingered on the glitter in his hair and on his face and the plastic adhesive gems... He really went all out, huh?... He looked good...

Alastor rolled his eyes, "and you look exactly the same." he took a few steps closer "Listen-"
"Ah, ah, ah." Lucifer interrupted, a small smirk playing on his lips, his eye twitching slightly, "I don't want to hear whatever snarky comments you have, whatever jokes you want to make, just... Don't. I'm not in the mood."
Alastor was silent for a second, a small huff escaping him, "while normally that'd be my only reason to talk to you, I actually have something important to say."
Lucifer raised an eyebrow "you think everything you say is important." . . . He wasn't wrong. . .
Alastor rolled his eyes "I'm serious, Lucifer." he insisted, "I..." he sighed, how the hell was he supposed to ask this? it was a big favor. An embarrassing favor.

Alastor opened his mouth to ask for Lucifer's assistance when Angel Dusts' voice came from the otherside of the door, sounding a bit panicked. They both turned to look at the door.
"Charlie, don't go out there." they heard Angel beg, he was trying his best to keep Charlie away so Alastor and lucifer could talk, but he seemed to be having issues.
"Why? What's going on? Is- is something wrong?" Charlie questioned, concern evident in her tone.

Alastor growled and turned back to Lucifer, taking the Devil by surprise as he grabbed the shorter demons arms, his claws digging in slightly.
"Lucifer, I'm hurt from the battle." Alastor finally admitted, the urgency in his tone being something Lucifer's never heard before.
"I..." Alastor took a shaky breath, he hated what was about to come out of his mouth "I Need your help... It's getting worse no matter what I do..." he grumbled.
". . ." Lucifer was silent as he stared at Alastor, his eyes wide at the confession, His mouth twitched up into a cruel smirk, he felt like being a dick today.
"And why would I do that...? It's not my fault you got hurt."
Alastors expression darkened and his grip tightened, he knew it probably didn't cause any discomfort, but he did it anyway, it was the only thing keeping him from lashing out right now.

He wasn't surprised by Lucifer's response, not one bit, but it struck slight fear in him. Lucifer would let him die just because he's in a bad mood... Should've expected that from the devil.
The sounds of Angel trying to convince charlie to not come out here rang in his ears. He took a deep breath, trying to calm down.
He let go of Lucifer and stepped back, causing Lucifers expression to shift from smugness to surprise at his actions, he expected Alastor to yell.
"I protected Charlie and the others during the battle when you weren't there, I may have had to retreat, but that's because Adam hit me in the chest with his fucking axe, I came back. Despite almost dying. Despite my doubts of everything turning out fine. Despite everything... I came back.. I went to heaven with Charlie like you had asked me to so she would be safe-" (acting like he actually did anything up there) Alastor too a deep breath, realizing his voice was getting a bit louder, he closed his eyes for a moment, not opening them as he continued to speak.
"...And now I'm putting my dislike for you aside, and asking you for help.... Please..."
The amount of desperation in his voice made it clear that Alastor was serious about this, and it made Lucifer's gaze soften slightly... he had a point...

"Fine." he grumbled, "But you owe me a favor, not something big, of course. Understood?"
Alastor nodded eagerly, he didn't like the idea of being indebted to the king of hell, but he didn't have any choice.
Lucifer nodded as well "get over here." he demanded
Alastor's stepped closer to Lucifer, like an obedient dog, honestly, Lucifer liked when he didn't talk back.
"How long will this take?" Alastor questioned.
Lucifer shrugged "Do you want me to look at it first-?"
"No." Alastor quickly answered, he glanced back at the door, they didn't have much time, and he'd rather not have anyone else see it.
Lucifer nodded, pulling Alastor closer by his arm, causing the demon to let out a surprised squeak that he quickly covered up with a cough. Lucifer rolled his eyes and removed Alastor's tie to unbutton his shirt, he could see the bandages peeking out after only 3 buttons. He pressed his hand on Alastors bare chest, it glowed a faint gold color as he worked his magic... Literally.

Alastor was tense at the feeling of lucifer's cold hand on his chest, his heart beating slightly faster, he wasn't sure if it was from the fact that the others might see him like this, or the fact that he was in an embarrassing position right now, but his face flushed.
"ah- fuck- What are you doing- why does it hurt-?" he groaned, his ears twitching and face scrunching up in pain.
"Right, sorry, it's going to hurt a bit, and you'll probably be tired when I'm done." Lucifer explained.
"Just a few more minutes."
"Angel- let me- ANGEL MOVE!" Charlie demanded, squirming to get to the door. Now she NEEDED to know what was happening, obviously Angel knew.
"No- Charlie- they need to be alone right now- Vaggie- stop it-" Vaggie was also trying to get to the door, Angel had to use all six of his arms and one of his legs to keep these bitches away.
"UGH- HUSK, NIFF, ANYONE WANNA GIVE ME A HAND HERE??" Angel growled, the guests, who were watching and murmuring immediately went back to what they were doing, causing Angel to roll his eyes.
Husker simply laughed, Niffty sitting next to him just staring at Angel and the two girls.
"HA! And miss out on this entertaining scene? nah... You got this, legs... 'sides... I'm curious as to what Alastor wants with his majesty too.." Husker said with a smirk, taking a sip of his drink.

Charlie had enough and stepped back, her eyes going red and her horns sprouting, her tail flicking behind her angrily.
"Angel Dust, as the princess of hell I demand you tell me what Alastor and my father are doing out there!" she yelled, and everyone froze. Even lucifer and Alastor out on the balcony, both men listened intently as they stared at the door, Lucifer's hand still pressed against Alastor's chest.

Angel gulped, rubbing his hands together nervously.
'Fuck, fuck, fuck... Dammit, I promised Al I wouldn't tell... What do I do?!' He suddenly got an idea... A very stupid idea... One not thought out very well, as it had the opposite effect Angel was hoping for.
"Uh- u-uhm... they're makin' out...?"
Husker choked on his drink, Charlies jaw dropped, Vaggie froze like a statue and a few of the guest whipped their heads around to stare at Angel Dust. Including Rosie, who had a wide grin on her face.
"What." Charlie was completely dumbfounded, as were Lucifer and Alastor.
Lucifer's face got very warm, turning a shade of gold as his gaze flicked from Alastor's chest to the door, and then Alastors face, which was almost as red as his hair.
Alastor glared at the door. 'Angel, you fucking asshole.' he thought to himself, already plotting the porn stars death.

Charlie took a deep breath,
"Angel. Move."
"W-wait-!" Angel protested, but Charlie pushed past him, yanking the door open and freezing again at the sight she was greeted with.
Alastor and her father. Standing less than three inches apart, Alastor's shirt unbuttoned, her father's hand on his chest, both staring at her with wide eyes and flushed faces.
"Am I... Interrupting something...?" Charlie asked, her expression unreadable.
". . . This is. . . Not what it looks like. . ." Lucifer said with a nervous chuckle, his gaze flicking back to Alastor's chest as he pulled his hand away quickly, Alastor holding back a groan of pain as he kept his eyes on Charlie, unsure of what to say.
Angel stepped up behind Charlie and Alastor's gaze shifted to him, his eyes narrowing as Angel smiled nervously.
"Then... What is this, why did Angel say you were... Uhm.... Y'know...." Charlie trailed off.
Lucifer's heart began to race. No way Charlie actually thought he'd ever make out with this yellow toothed creepy deer... right??
"Charlie- I can  explain- You see Alastor was-" Lucifer began, yelping as he felt Alastor's hand clasp over his mouth, he glared up at him, trying to speak but his words being muffled by Alastors large palm.

"We were making out." Alastor stated, trying to stay completely monotone and unbothered, even if it got difficult knowing Lucifer was glaring at him in shock and horror.
Angel's expression went from shock, to a wide cocky grin. Holy fucking shit, Alastor was going along with it.
Charlie didn't know how to feel.
On one hand; 'FUCK YEAH! 2 DADS!'
Charlie knew her mom had been gone for a while, and her dad was lonely, but- Alastor?? Really?? They get on each others nerves! It didn't make sense!
. . . In retrospect, she might've overreacted a bit in this next part-

Charlie took a deep breath, turned on her heel, and ran out.
"Wha- CHARLIE! WAIT!" Lucifer was about to follow her, getting inside and stopping... He should leave her alone...
He whipped his head around and glared at Alastor, who looked quite calm as he stared back at him.
"What the hell is wrong with you?! Are you really that stubborn?!"
"Blame Angel. It was his idea." Alastor said simply and ANgel stuck his tongue out at him.
"Fuck you! I panicked, ya didn't have ta go along with it." Angel retorted as he rolled his eyes, "I ain't dealin with this... You two have fun talkin' about how you're gonna convince Charlie you weren't tryna fuck." He said as he walked over to Husker and Niffty, Niffty had a smile on her face, muttering something about "the two bad boys" being together and Husker was still in shock, staring at them.

Everyone had stopped looking at Lucifer and Alastor, but the party got much more... Awkward... Everyone was whispering amongst themselves about what happened. Lucifer clearly hated it and was embarrassed, but Alastors emotions were hidden behind his usual smile.
His heart was still racing in his chest, and he felt like an idiot for going along with Angels stupid excuse as to why he was with Lucifer... He panicked as well... Damn his pride and ego...

Lucifer finally turned away from him.
"Great... now i have to explain to Charlie what actually happened..."
Alastor opened his mouth to protest but Lucifer spoke again, "Don't. Don't even try it. I don't care. She's going to know whether you like it or not, try to stop me, I dare you."
Alastor stayed quiet, rolling his eyes as Lucifer walked away.
He sighed and rubbed his chest, a sharp pain going through him once more.
'what?! Why?!'
He clawed at his clothes, turning into a shadow and slinking across the floor and out of the room unnoticed... Well, unnoticed by anyone in the hotel... The Voxtech drone, on the other hand... Well... It got everything.

Chapter 13 end

So, I'm setting, like, standards for each chapter now.
- Must be at least 2100 words
- Has to be uploaded before 6:30 (where I am) or else I have to wait until tomorrow
- Has to make me giggle/cry/or piss me off, or else it's not acceptable
- Makes people want the next chapter/motivates me to write the next chapter

We checked off all the boxes on this one pookies.
Hope you enjoyed ✨

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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