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"Well Charlie... this parties actually pretty fun..." Angel Dust admitted as he watched Cherri and Vaggie dance together, their dancing was absolute shit but they seemed to be having fun.

"I mean, it's a bit to bland for my taste, but hey! Not bad... We got music, drinks, happy faces... You did good..."
Charlie smiled "Thanks Angel... Sooo" she cleared her throat and inched closer to Angel
"Have you asked Husk out yet?"
Angel groaned "Again with that? Charlie, I told ya I don't do all that mushy gushy bullshit..." Angel took a swig of his drink "besides, what makes ya think he'd say yes?"
Charlie smirked, looking at the residents of cannibal town dancing around and having a good time "I dunno... You two just seemed to be getting close before the battle~" Charlie nudged Angel in the side with her elbow and wiggled her eyebrows "C'mon, admit it!"
Angel snorted and playfully shoved Charlie away "Hey, stop tryna play matchmaker already! Focus on havin' fun tonight!"
Charlie chuckled and rolled her eyes, knowing damn well that she'll break Angel and Husker down and convince them to take a chance... Eventually.

"Speakin' of matchmaking," Angel muttered, looking around with a raised eyebrow "Where's smiles and the short king?"
Charlie blinked a few times "oh- you mean dad and Al? I don't know where Al ran off to but dad's out on the balcony-..." Charlies eyes narrowed and she looked at Angel with a confused expression "Wait, what do you mean by "speaking of matchmaking"-" Angel held a finger up to shush Charlie "Nothin, don't worry 'bout it. I'll be right back..." Charlie watched as Angel ran off, her mouth hanging open at the implications of what Angel just said, she was about to follow Angel and see what he was up too when Vaggie grabbed her arm and pulled her into a dance, she immediately forgot all about it, now focused on her girlfriend and how gorgeous she looked tonight compared to Charlie.
Charlie was wearing a frilly white dress that faded to red at the bottom and had lacy puffed sleeves, her heels were white with red roses painted on and a fake plastic rose on the strap, but her beauty was nothing compared to Vaggie's, in her opinion.

Angel's heels made a loud clack as he walked down the halls, he saw Alastor walking around earlier but the damn strawberry just disappeared, he knew something was up, Alastor seemed fidgety earlier when Angel was doing his hair, and obviously Angel Dust knew he didn't like being touched, but... He just had a bad feeling...

"Oi! Smiles! The fuck you at?"
Angel shouted, he's been looking for a few minutes, still no sign of Alastor. It didn't help that he wasn't used to the layout of the new hotel yet, and it was, like, 2 times bigger now.
"Dammit Alastor, I swear to god himself if you went back to your room after all the time me and vagina spent gettin ya pretty-!"
He cut himself off, taking a deep breath. He was gonna kill that damn strawberry, or die trying, probably the latter of the two. (guys help am I using that word right)
Angel sighed and stomped upstairs towards Alastors emo ass radio tower, banging on the door.
"Alastor! You in there?"
Angel heard some shuffling behind the door, which confirmed that Alastor was, in fact, in his room.

"Al, open up. You ain't stayin' in here for the whole party."
"I haven't been in here the whole party!" Alastor barked from inside the room.
Angel rolled his eyes "You were out there for, like, 2 minutes, And I barely even saw ya! Are you embarrassed by the makeup or somethin'? I didn't think your masculinity was that fragile"
"MY MASCULINITY ISN'T FRAGILE-" Alastors protests were interrupted with a groan of pain, causing Angel to tense.
"Al...? What's wrong...? Open the door!"
"Nothing- go away! I'll be out in a few moments..."
'Shit.' Alastor thought 'Not now... Why did you have to come now?!'
He just needed to change his bandages before going to find Lucifer, but dammit he hurt...

Angel gritted his teeth.
"Al, open the door before I kick it down."
Alastor knew this was a losing battle, so he gritted his teeth and prepared himself for a lot of annoying questions, and knowing Angel Dust, probably some teasing.

Alastor cut Angel off, "I NEVER SAID IT WAS LOCKED YOU IMBECILE!" he growled, his voice breaking at the end. How threatening.
"oh-" Angel turned the door knob and pushed the door open, peeking inside with a calm but concerned look on his face, his eyes widening as he saw his friend.

Alastor lay on his bed, an annoyed look on his face. His tie was off, as well as his waistcoat. his shirt was unbuttoned all the way, and his bandages were haphazardly torn off, showing just how nasty his wound was, and it was getting worse by the second.
On the bed were a few things to clean it up, but Alastor was too exhausted to move right now, his smile strained, nose scrunched and yellowed teeth bared as he glared up at the canopy of his bed, often shifting his gaze to the rest of his room. Anywhere but Angel Dust.

Angel stepped inside quickly, shutting the door behind him before going over to Alastor. There was a lot of questions he wanted to ask.
"What the fuck happened?!" was the only one Angel managed to get out after a few moments of silence.
Alastor groaned, "Adam." he muttered bitterly. Oh if only he had the chance to kill that bitch... He probably would've been in too much pain to do so...

Angel Dusts' face softened. That's right... Alastor was keeping Adam occupied during most of the battle... And then his shield fell...
"So this is why you disappeared? Where'd ya go? Why didn't you tell Charlie or someone?! Do you know how nasty that looks? Do you know how to heal it-?" Angel's questions and concerns spilled out as he reached to touch the wound and look at it. Alastor grabbed him by the wrist, causing Angel to flinch and stop blabbering instantly as he looked at Alastor with a worried look.

It was like Angels entre personality was flipped over as he saw Alastor. He didn't try to be sassy, or make sexual remarks. And Alastor noticed that. He sighed and let go of Angel, groaning as he sat up.
"Yes, this is why I... Retreated..." he began as he patted the spot next to him on the bed. Angel sat down, seeing that there was a bit of blood where Alastor had laid. He'd help him get that out, there were some instances with Valentino that required him to get bloodstain out of his sheets.
"I went back to my radio tower... it was broken down, glass everywhere, but it was... The only place I knew to go to at the moment. The only place that felt safe..."
Angel Dust watched Alastor intently, his gaze softening with each word at Alastor's sorrowful tone.
Alastor decided it would be best not to mention his little panic attack, or the fact he had pulled some of his hair out during said panic attack. Angel didn't notice how thin it was earlier or anything, so there was no point, really. (HC; he pulls his hair out when he's stressed, hence the haircut. Sometimes his claws dig into his flesh when he does it. I forgot what it was called, but there is a term/name for it)
"I didn't... Tell anyone because I... Thought I could handle it, but... I..."
". . ." Alastor looked away from Angel Dust.

"You can't fix it...?" Angel asked hesitantly, reaching out to put a hand on Alastor's back.
As his fingers brushed up against Alastor, the Radio Demon tensed and stood up, wincing, and walked, or rather, limped away.

"W-wait-!" Angel stood up and walked with him, the two just pacing around his room.
"So-, is there just no way to fix it?? I'm sure Charlie could help, yeah?"
Alastor shook his head "No... No I don't think she can. Besides, I don't want her to know- I didn't want you to know."
Angel nodded understandingly, "Then... How do you fix this?"
Alastor stopped pacing, turning to look at Angel,
"Lucifer." He growled.
"Oh.... Oh.... That's gonna..." Angels voice trailed off, he was aware of the petty little rivalry between the two, and the tension... How was Alastor going to ask him for help?!

"Yea...." Alastor mumbled "... I'm not sure he'll help me without something in return..."
"What would he want? He's the king of hell! Ya can't really do anything that he can't..."
Alastor looked down at the ground, "Something that's already been given to someone else, most likely..." (Lore. LORE. PAY ATTENTION THIS IS IMPORTANT-)

They stood in silence, Alastor thinking of his next move while Angel stared at him, trying to figure out what he meant by that.
As Angel opened his mouth to ask, no words came out, so he stood there silently.
Alastor quickly wiped off his wounds and rebandaged them lazily before putting his clothes back on and walking out.
"hey- MOTHER FUCKER WHERE ARE YOU GOING-?!" Angel ran after him, his heels making an annoyingly loud clack compared to Alastor's shoes making small soft clicks.
"To Lucifer." Alastor growled out as he stomped down the hall to the room the party was (mainly) being held in, the music getting louder as he got closer. There were a few sinners in the halls talking, giving him glances or scampering off in fear.

Angel Dust raised an eyebrow, stomping alongside Alastor,
"Do you even know where he is?"
"No." Alastor grumbled, stopping before he walked into the room, the double doors were open to see Vaggie and Charlie still dancing, Cherri watching them with a grin on her face. Husker sitting with a drink in hand over to the side, talking with Niffty.
Rosie was there as well, dancing with a lady from cannibal town and laughing. Alastor's eyes flicked from all of them to a few other demons.
"Where is he?" Alastor growled out, whipping his head around to Angel Dust, his eyes softening for a moment at that concerned expression still on Angels face before turning away.
". . . The balcony. . ." Angel mumbled, "go get yourself fixed up... I'll make sure no one sees ya."
He offered, and Alastor nodded appreciatively before walking into the room.

He weaved in and out of the crowd, his eyes trained on the door to the balcony, eyeing the intricate carvings in the wood. He never took time to actually admire how well they rebuilt the hotel.
He saw Rosie looking at him out of the corner of his eye,
"Alastor?" she said softly, tilting her head to the side as she stepped away from her dance partner for a moment.
Vaggie and Charlie stopped spinning around to look at him, a confused expression on Charlie's face, and an annoyed expression on Vaggies as she placed her hands on her hips.
"Where have you been?" she sounded like a mother who had her child sneaking back in from a night out with friends. When Alastor ignored her, getting closer to the door as his pain grew, she got really pissed.
"Alastor!" she began to walk over to him, Angel quickly stepping in front of her.
"Hey- Vaggie, I uh, I have a question..." Angel said, distracting Vaggie long enough for Alastor to open the door and walk out, Closing it behind him.

Vaggie raised an eyebrow at Angel,
Angel chuckled nervously, well, shit...
'Alright, Anthony... You got this... just.... Think of something!' Angel thought, a small smirk on his face. he knew exactly what to say, his eyes gleaming as Charlie stepped closer to them, her hand on Vaggies shoulder.
"Well uh, I was wonderin' if you and Charlie maybe wanted me to hook ya up with a lil' somethin' ta make bedroom time a bit more fun~, y'know like a colla-"
before Angel could finish Vaggie began to shove him away, her face with both anger and embarrassment, Charlie just stood there wide eyed and flustered.
"ANGEL WHAT THE HELL-?! NO, GO AWAY-!" Vaggie yelled, the whole rooms eyes on her. She seemed to have forgotten about going after Alastor at the moment. . . Charlie on the other hand. . .

She looked back to the door, she knew her dad was out there too... What if they were fighting again...?
Alastor looked upset, despite his smile.... She was worried... She didn't want them trying to kill each other, today was supposed to be a celebration!
Charlie took a deep breath, inching towards the door, reaching out for the handle when she heard the clicking of Angels heels and her girlfriends yelling again. She looked up to see Angel, not able to react before Angel grabbed her wrist and pulled her away.
"Charlie, don't go out there." Angel begged.
What the hell was going on?!

Chapter 12 end

Y'all are not prepared for the shit I'm about to pull in the next 2-5 chapters.
Last night I did some brainstorming. I am a fucking genius.
However, I am having issues on how thing are going to work. But don't worry! I'll figure it out!

Just found out listening to the band Mother Mother while working helps me be more productive, love their music (I listen to the most edgy emo shit help).

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