Chapter 22- Insults and Proposals

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Rafael's POV:

Seeing Ethan fumble at the sight of Yasmin was one of the happiest moments of my life. I took the seat beside her, leveling Ethan with what I knew was a withering look. His confidence wavered, and I could almost see the gears grinding in his head as he tried to regroup. As I turned my gaze away, I caught Ivan watching us curiously from across the room. He gave me a pointed look, and for a second, I wondered if maybe he knew a lot more than he was letting on where Ethan was concerned.

"Ethan meet Rafael," Ivan spoke quietly. "He's the CEO of Amato Industries but you knew that already, didn't you?"

"Yes," Ethan answered, not moving an inch. "We've seen each other around."

"That's interesting," Ivan continued. "Did you know he's engaged to my daughter?"

Ethan's eyes flew to Yasmin's ring finger even though he saw the ring last night. He glared daggers at the ring as if hoping he could snatch it off her finger. "I'm aware," he finally mumbled through gritted teeth. 

Roman came in just then, his emotions plainly etched on his face. It was clear from the widening of his eyes he wasn't expecting Ethan to be here, which led me to believe that Ivan was definitely up to something. Why would he invite all of us in the same space? It could have been a coincidence but the way he was eyeing me and then provoking Ethan, it felt like he was toying with us. 

Roman nodded in greeting to Ivan before taking his seat beside Leah, who was right next to Ethan. A moment of silence passed before Ivan cleared his throat. "I'm sure you all are wondering why I asked you here and why I chose to not tell you others would be present. Well you both want my investment so its seems only fair that you compete for it," he announced, his tone authoritative. He then glanced at Yasmin, offering her a small smile. "The final choice will be hers."

"That's bullshit!" Ethan blurted before anyone could even think to say anything. "I thought we had an agreement."

Ivan nodded. "We did have an agreement, that was until I was made aware of some rather unfortunate news that I've chosen to keep to myself. You're welcome to leave, just know that if you do the opportunity will automatically go to Rafael and Roman."

He scoffed. "This is unbelievable."

Ivan rolled his eyes in a way that reminded me so much of Yasmin. "I'm giving you something to fight for, so fight or leave."

When Ethan didn't make a move to leave, Ivan gestured for him to pitch his proposal first. As Ethan gathered himself, I exchanged a quick, confident look with Roman. He cheekily held up the proposal we had worked on just days prior, a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth.

Ethan started his pitch, but it was clear from the get-go that he was out of his depth. He stumbled through the introduction, and when Yasmin began asking pointed questions about construction timelines, public reception, and her father's investment, his lack of preparation was glaring. It was painful obvious that he was not involved in the planning process and if he was he had gotten way too complacent to be trusted with such a project. It was embarassing to watch but in moments like these I lived for the embarrassment. 

Yasmin's questions were sharp, her tone professional. You wouldn't be able to tell they had history with the way she kept her cool. "What are your plans for managing the initial reception from the public, Ethan?" she asked, her eyes never leaving his.

Ethan stammered. "Well, we—uh—we plan to—uh, engage with the community through—"

Yasmin cut him off, her patience thinning. "Can you specify how? And what about the construction phase? Do you have a timeline and budget in place?"

Ethan's face flushed. "I—um, I don't have the specifics right now, but we're working on it."

"You're working on it?" her laugh was forced as she stared him down. "Are you trying to tell me you came to this meeting without a detailed proposal prepared? I asked questions that even a child could answer. Were you so sure you'd get this investment that you couldn't be bothered to try?"

I watched in awe, my admiration for Yasmin growing with each passing second. The way she used business jargon, the confidence in her voice—it was intoxicating to say the least. I wasn't ashamed to admit that her professionalism made me desire her even more.

Ivan finally stepped in to save Ethan from further embarrassment. "Thank you, Ethan," he said curtly. "Roman and Rafael, you're up."

Roman and I stood up, moving to the front of the room. I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the moment. This was our chance, the moment we've waited for and we were ready.

"Our proposal focuses on a comprehensive approach to establishing the hotel. We've planned every detail meticulously, from construction to community engagement, to the manpower necessary for such a propject."

Roman continued seamlessly, "We've outlined a detailed timeline and budget for the construction phase, ensuring minimal disruption to the surrounding area. Our community engagement plan includes partnerships with local businesses to promote mutual growth."

Yasmin leaned forward, her interest piqued. "And what about the public reception? How do you plan to handle potential backlash or criticism?"

I smiled, anticipating the question. "We've planned a series of events leading up to the grand opening, designed to foster goodwill and excitement within the community. Our marketing strategy includes social media campaigns, local news features, and collaborations with influencers to reach a wider audience. The location we chose is popular yet underdeveloped and there is a clear need for jobs which a project like this would provide. We have a rough estimate of 6000 jobs being created from construction to the running of the hotel."

Yasmin nodded, clearly impressed. She then asked. "And how will you ensure my father's investment is used effectively?"

Roman and I exchanged a quick glance before he replied, "We've earmarked specific portions of the investment for critical phases of the project. Our financial projections show a steady return on investment within the first three years, with a detailed plan to reinvest profits into further development and improvement."

The room was silent for a moment, and I could see the wheels turning in Yasmin's mind. I could already tell she had a lot to think about and even though we were the better choice, she didn't want to make it weird by instantly choosing us. She was giving Ethan false hope, and with the way he stared at her waiting for her to say something, I knew he thought there was a chance he would win. 

"Impressive," Ivan finally broke the silence. "Thank you, Roman and Rafael. Yasmin, do you have any more questions?"

Yasmin shook her head, still deep in thought. "No, I think I have everything I need for now. It's thorough. Very thorough. I appreciate the attention to detail and the forward-thinking approach."

Ethan shifted uncomfortably in his seat, clearly outclassed. I almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

Ivan nodded. "Alright, that's it for today. We'll get back to you with our decision, within the next three days."

As everyone got up and began to disperse, I felt a surge of relief. Roman and I had done well, and it was clear that Ivan and Yasmin were considering our proposal seriously. Ethan, on the other hand, looked like he had just walked through a storm.

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