Chapter 14- Spending and Engagement Rings

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Rafael's POV:

The weight of knowledge was both a blessing and a curse. As I sat in my office, still reeling from the discovery that Yasmin was Ivan Rashid's daughter, I couldn't help but replay our recent conversation in my mind. She had been so transparent, yet so vulnerable, laying bare the truth of her family and expecting judgment or distance from me. Little did she know, her revelation had only deepened my respect and admiration for her.

"She really thought I'd treat her differently," I muttered to myself, staring blankly at the paperwork on my desk. "As if her background would change anything."

Yasmin's money and family status had never been a concern for me. In fact, they were inconsequential compared to the connection I felt with her. She was intelligent, driven, and apparently had a sharp business acumen that matched my own. Knowing she could understand business jargons made her that more attractive to me and I wasn't sure how I was going to keep these rising feelings at bay.

Shaking away all thoughts of Yasmin, I focused on the files on my desk. Today was the day before the gala so I decided to arrive at the office earlier than usual. I was just about to shred a few papers when an email notification from my bank caught my attention. A transaction alert then flashed on my screen, indicating a significant amount had been spent. Curious, I opened the email and felt a rush of warmth and affection wash over me.

Yasmin spent close to a hundred thousand dollars at Pandora.

Instead of being upset or annoyed, a smile spread across my face. It wasn't about the money; it was about the fact that she felt comfortable enough to spend it without hesitation. She was the daughter of the richest man in the world yet I was able to provide for her. It satisfied a primal need in me that I didn't even know I had.

I had to stop myself from calling her and demanding she spend more of my money just so I could get that feeling of pride again. It was weird and I never expected myself to react this way to a situation like this but I didn't mind it.

"Good news?" My assistant's voice pulled me out of my thoughts, as he dropped files to my desk.

"Yes, very good news," I replied with a grin, quickly composing a reply to the bank confirming the transaction.

Once the meeting with my assistant was over, I decided to leave the office for a while. I had something important to take care of. I made my way to the nearest jewelry, my mind set on one thing: an engagement ring for Yasmin.

The air in the store was heavy with the scent of polished metal and the hushed excitement of possibilities. My heart raced with nerves as I stepped through the door, the weight of an important decision settling on my shoulders. Our engagement and subsequent marriage would be fake but there was nothing stopping me from finding the perfect engagement ring for Yasmin.

The store was elegant, bathed in soft lighting that danced off the glittering displays. A young woman with a warm smile approached me, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and a hint of knowing. She introduced herself as Olivia, the store manager, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of relief at her friendly demeanor.

"Welcome to Crown Jewelers. How can I assist you today?" Olivia's voice was soothing, and I took a moment to gather my thoughts before speaking.

"I'm Rafael," I replied, offering a tentative smile. "I'm looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend."

Olivia's eyes lit up at the mention of an engagement ring. "How wonderful! Do you have any specific style or design in mind?"

I hesitated, my mind racing through the countless options I had seen online and in magazines. "I want something elegant and timeless, but also unique. Something that reflects her bubbly yet relaxed personality."

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