Chapter 16- Beginning of Insults

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Rafael's POV:

The night seemed to come to a head as Yasmin and I pulled up to the grand entrance of the gala. The flashing lights of the paparazzi cameras illuminated our faces as we stepped out of the car, greeted by the chaotic buzz of journalists shouting questions. "Rafael! Who's the lucky lady?" they yelled, desperate for a story. We exchanged knowing glances, our smiles masking the emotions beneath the surface.

"Smile for the cameras," I murmured to Yasmin, feeling her tension through the slight tremor in her fingers. The paparazzi's relentless barrage of questions about Yasmin hung in the air like a persistent fog, but we deflected them with practiced ease, offering only enigmatic smiles and polite deflections.

"Who's that with Rafael? Is she the new muse?"

"Is this a budding romance?"

Yasmin's serene facade betrayed her inner turmoil, her eyes flitting between the flashing lights and the prying lenses. I squeezed her hand gently, a silent reassurance that we were in this together.

Once the camera clicks faded into the background, I guided Yasmin into the building. The opulence of the venue seemed to swallow us whole, a whirlwind of shimmering gowns and tailored suits swirling around us. Yasmin's wide eyes mirrored the spectacle, her wonder palpable.

"It's overwhelming, isn't it?" I remarked, trying to lighten the mood.

Yasmin nodded, a faint smile tugging at her lips. "I was expecting it to be grand but I didn't expect... all of this."

"Are you okay with all of it?"

"We stick to the plan," I reminded her, my tone firm yet reassuring. "Enjoy yourself, mingle, and let the night unfold. Okay?"

She glanced at me with wide eyes. "I assure you I'm fine." As we strolled passed a bunch of people, the buffet Roman prepared could be seen tucked away in a corner of the room with servers on standby. "I didn't think they'd have a buffet at an event like this."

I chuckled, a fondness blooming in my chest. "Last year, two women fainted from hunger. I may have suggested a buffet as a solution."

Yasmin laughed loudly, gaining attention from some of the other attendees. "You're joking, right?" When I didn't say anything, she tugged on my arm to stop me, her lips parted in amused shock. "Did that really happen?"

I nodded. "You'd be surprised how little the women here eat. It's truly worrying."

"I can imgaine it'd be frustrated too," she smiled. "I don't know how they do it. If there wasn't any food I would have demnaded you take me out to eat."

I never understood it either, the need some women had to look ultra thin even at the expense of their health. I've dated models before but I never thought much of their diets until the rumbling of my date's stomach could be heard over loud music. It didn't help that we were at an event much like this one and the portion sizes were tiny.

"That's one of the many things I've grown to like about you," I told her, not even realizing what I said until it was too late.

"Oh, you like me?" she grinned, her eyes sparkling up at me.

"Wouldn't you like to know..." I teased, shifting the conversation to a lighter topic. If I were to answer that then I would have to reveal the growing feelings I had for her and I wasn't ready to admit it to myself much less announce it to the world. "What do you think about the decor?"

"It's nice but I don't think Roman had anything to do with it."

I chuckled. "Of course he didn't. He hires a team every year."

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