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Lily Luna Potter seemed more interested in Jasmine coming home for Christmas than she did either of her brothers. As soon as Jasmine got into the house, Lily was hugging her, and the girl wouldn't have it any other way.

"Wow, way to make me feel special, Lils," James rolled his eyes.

Behind him, Albus laughed.

"Sorry James, but Jasmine's top of the list now," Lily shrugged. "If you didn't want her to be, you shouldn't've made friends with her."

Jasmine grinned. "You're even better at roasting James than me!"

Lily giggled as she said hello to Al, James and Teddy, leaving Jasmine to greet Ginny, who was standing in the kitchen.

"Hello, Jasmine," she said as she embraced the girl. "You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm doing good," shrugged Jasmine. "I'm getting along, at least."

"I know how you feel," Ginny sympathised. "I heard about, y'know, Teddy and stuff."

Jasmine pressed her lips together. "We said goodbye to him this morning, but... he's still the same as ever."

She, James, Alice and Fred had gone to see Teddy that morning before leaving, that being the first time they were allowed to visit. But the man still wasn't conscious, or responsive, even.

"Well, at least he's not worse," sighed Ginny. "It's just... Christmas isn't going to be the same without him."

Jasmine nodded.

"Right, come on kids, you need to unpack!" Harry said with a smile.

"Jasmine, you're with me again!" Lily said eagerly, taking Jasmine's hand and leading her up the stairs.

Jasmine had slept on a mattress on the floor in Lily's room in the summer, so she was happy to share with the girl again.

"Look, I got a new Harpies poster!" Lily said, pointing to her wall as soon as she got into the room.

The Holyhead Harpies were an all-female quidditch team that Ginny had once played for before having children. Lily idolised the team, and dreamed of playing for them one day. She and James often fought over which team was better, owing to the fact that James  avidly supported Puddlemere United, a rival of the Harpies.

Jasmine smiled at the poster, saying. "Nice."

"I know, it's so cool!" Lily grinned. "James is always saying that Puddlemere is better, and Uncle Ron bloody loves the Chudley Cannons, but everyone knows the Harpies are the best."

Jasmine grinned. "Not sure James would agree."

"Who cares about James?"

The blonde girl couldn't help but giggle.

She just felt so at home at the Potters'.

And she just hoped she would always be welcomed there.


Christmas day had started amazing, and it only got better. Jasmine had recieved a huge box of assorted sweets from Harry and Ginny, a broom compass from Lily and a new Gryffindor scarf from Albus.

In return, she had given Harry and Ginny a Hogwarts snow globe, Lily a polaroid camera, and Albus a book called Quidditch Through the Ages.

James pulled her aside to give her his present.

"Here you go," he told her, handing her a small square box. "Merry Christmas, Jasmine."

𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 ❀ 𝐽𝑎𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑡 (HP Next Generation)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin