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By the end of October, James owed Fred ten galleons. He had been to quite a few of Jasmine's practices with the team and he had to admit, she was really good.

She was also getting to know everyone in the team. Her fellow chasers, Roxanne and Ollie, worked really well with her and improved her play a lot. The beaters, Dominique and Lewis, were both really good for a laugh and a joke. The keeper, Ben, was kind of shy but amazing at playing his position (Jasmine struggled to get goals in against him at practice).

And the seeker, Jessica (Jess) Moreland, was the best of all. She had instantly bonded with Jasmine and kind of adopted her as her 'quidditch little sister'. Jasmine loved her a lot and often talked and gossiped with her in the changing rooms before practice.

Anyway, on Halloween, the schedule for the inter-house matches went up and Gryffindor saw that their first match was in a week and a half, against Slytherin.

"Oh, we can beat those snakes any time of the week!" Lewis shouted jokingly in the changing room as the rest of the team (except Ollie) laughed on.

But Jasmine was laughing. For the first time, she felt relaxed about the upcoming match. So laughing with Roxanne, Dominique and Jessica was a nice way to show it.

Being in the quidditch team was great. It has given her some new friends, six of them, to be exact, and it had given her a chance to prove herself, as well.

But most of all, it had given her a chance to fly.


Halloween was a big event at Hogwarts. There was a feast, much like the welcome one, in the great hall, for one thing. Then, for another, there was floating carved pumpkins up above them that joined the floating candles. There was also a group of skeletons up the front of the hall that moved and talked to you.

At that moment, Jasmine had already eaten two courses of food and she was stuffed. She was sitting beside Alice and opposite James and Fred, and they were all cracking really cringey Halloween jokes and laughing about them.

"Why didn't the skeleton go to the party? He had no body to go with!"

"Oh, we've all heard that one!"

"Okay, well, you say one!"

"What do you call two witches who live together? Broom-mates!"

"What, like Alice and Jasmine?"

"Oh, for Godric's sake..."

"Fine! I give up, you go!"

And on and on it went, until all four of them had sore faces from laughing so much.

Jasmine smiled, her eyes going to the teacher's table for the first time all night. She saw McGonagall, Flitwick and Neville (or Professor Longbottom) deep in conversation, all having ate everything on their plates. Sanches was being surly, as usual, and wasn't speaking to anyone. But what puzzled Jasmine was Teddy.

He was still eating, his hand moving his fork slowly around his plate. But, when he looked up, Jasmine got a proper look at his face. His eyes were bleary and bloodshot with dark circles underneath them, and he looked as though he hadn't slept in weeks.

Jasmine was saying it before she could comprehend what was leaving her mouth.

"What's wrong with Teddy?"

𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 ❀ 𝐽𝑎𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑡 (HP Next Generation)Where stories live. Discover now