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Jasmine Hart is a girl that was born eleven years ago on July eighteenth. She was a very happy girl, but she was also soon to learn that the world wasn't as forgiving as it seemed.

She had a loving mother and father, who helped her through life, but when she was five, her mother died of cancer, taking her father down with her. When Jasmine started school, she was a sad girl, a sorry one, and no one wanted her as a friend. She never had anyone, and it was hard on her.

Jasmine's father tried to love his daughter, he tried so much, but he knew he needed someone else to help her. So when Jasmine was six, he remarried to a woman he thought would give his daughter her every need. She did the complete opposite. She hated Jasmine, and her daughter, a girl of around Jasmine's age, learned to hate her too.

When the girl was seven, her father got offered a job in Australia,;a year contract. Jasmine thought he wasn't going to take it, but her stepmother talked him into it. So he went, leaving his daughter with her supposed mother.

The year passed and Jasmine was soon eight, her father wrote very rarely. Jasmine had sent him letters, one every week, but he only wrote back twice. On the day he was scheduled to come home, they received a letter from him saying that he was going to stay; he wasn't coming back. That hit Jasmine hard.

So when the girl was nine, her stepmother started to make the house her own. She gave her daughter Jasmine's bedroom and put Jasmine in the basement. The girl was lonelier than ever and she couldn't do anything about it.

Ten was now Jasmine's age. And she was sick of being walked all over. She was sick of being pushed around. She was sick of feeling like her mother wouldn't be proud of her. So she changed. Jasmine Hart suddenly became a fighter; someone, she was sure, her mother would've been proud of. And she liked to think of that, because after everything Jasmine had been through, her only wish, was that she wanted her mother to still be there with her.

Now she was eleven. The age that she believes things are going to change, and they might.

A/N: This book is a Harry Potter Next Generation book, so it's going to have all the Golden Trio Age's kids in it. Now, except for the main ones, I've made up some names for the minor characters' kids as well as adding in August, who is going to be Neville Longbottom and Hannah Abbott's third kid. Yes, this is the name of Rosalyn and Neville's third child in my book, Thorns, but this book is nothing to do with that one, it's just because I like the name and the idea of Neville and Hannah having a third child.

I hope you all really enjoy reading this fic.

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