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Defence against the dark arts time! After a hurried lunch, Jasmine and her three friends had hurried up the stairs to Teddy's classroom, in anticipation of wanting good seats for the lesson. Anyway, after about ten minutes, other people started to arrive, and after fifteen, the bell rang, meaning it was properly time to start the lesson.

"Hello, everyone!" Teddy (or Professor Lupin) welcomed everyone in. James gave him a wink as he passed and Teddy shoved his shoulder.

This time, they switched things up, and Jasmine sat with James whilst Alice and Fred sat in front of them.

"Okay, well, welcome everyone, to defence against the dark arts," 'Professor Lupin' said, strolling to the front. "Now, when I was your age, I loved this subject, and my teacher, so I just hope I can be as good as she was, eh?"

"You're doing great, Teddy!" James gave their teacher a thumbs up and exaggerated wink.

He got a few laughs.

And after that, the lesson just seemed to flow. They didn't do any magic in the lesson, but somehow, Teddy managed to make it just as entrancing as it would've been if there had been magic involved.

He told them about all the different kinds of jobs related to fighting the dark arts; he told them about a few spells that help you fight them, too. He also spoke about some magical creatures that it wouldn't be good to encounter, and what to do if you did.

All in all, it was a great lesson, and, at the end of it, she almost felt sad it was over.

Anyway, at the end, James said he was staying behind to talk to the teacher, and offered Jasmine if she wanted him to introduce her. She said yes, and so the two waited until everyone had filtered out the room before going up to Teddy's desk.

As they came up, Teddy smiled. "James Potter, my little brother; a Gryffindor at Hogwarts."

James fake-huffed. "I'm not little," he muttered.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but you always will be to me," Teddy flashed him a smile, then he turned to Jasmine. "And I hear you are the girl that has had the irritating job of being friends with James, right?"

"Hey!" James shouted.

Jasmine giggled. "I guess so," she smiled. "I'm Jasmine Hart," she held out a hand.

"Teddy Lupin," Teddy shook her hand.

James, who had been watching their interaction with a smile on his face, jumped forward when the introductions were done.

"So?" He asked Teddy. "Tell us everything! I've missed my catch-up-on-things-dad-will- never-tell-us sessions! How did you get the job? Why did you want to work here? Why-"

"Hold on," Teddy said, trying to remain serious when all he wanted to do was burst into laughter. "I have never told you - or Al, or Lily - stuff that your dad didn't want you told-"

"Sure you did!" James grinned. "When-"

"But," Teddy took over. "I got the job because I was doing a lot of thinking over what career I wanted to go into, and your dad mentioned the vacancy in the DADA position at Hogwarts, so I applied, and they accepted it. I'm on a four year program at the moment," he smiled.

𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 ❀ 𝐽𝑎𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑡 (HP Next Generation)Where stories live. Discover now