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The next morning at breakfast, timetables were handed out and Jasmine saw that they had potions first. She wasn't one hundred percent looking forward to that, as Professor Sanches hadn't looked like the nicest of people when she had looked at him last night.

However, when she voiced this concern to James, who was munching on corn flakes opposite her, he just shrugged. "Dad always said Slughorn was alright, his nephew'll be the same."

Jasmine wasn't so sure. Alice, however, seemed to have missed the whole smirk thing, and claimed that she only saw Professor Sanches soaking up the applause at his name being called.

Jasmine sighed, turning to Fred, who was currently putting a load of ketchup on his bacon sandwich. She sighed.

She would prove her point later.

Potions was in the dungeons, as Jasmine learned minutes later. So, getting some last minute heat into their bodies, the four young Gryffindors headed down into the freezing depths of Hogwarts.

Whilst outside the class, Jasmine saw Samuel Nott looking at her. He gave her a smirk when she caught on, and to this, James muttered loudly. "Creep."

A couple of brave Ravenclaws laughed at this.

Eventually, Professor Sanches came to open the door. He looked very serious at that moment, and when he gave the students a hard stare, Jasmine did her best to hold his gaze with her own stony glare.

Anyway, when the class got in, they saw the classroom was set up in rows of benches with spaces for cauldrons on them. The benches were set up to have four people sitting at one, so Jasmine sat down at one with James on one side of her, Alice on the other, and Fred next to James. The four didn't hesitate to get their books out, and pen and paper.

Finally, Professor Sanches, who was at the back of the class, strode down the aisle, formed between the benches. His black robes billowed behind him as he turned to face the class with a cold look.

"If you haven't got your books out I suggest you do so now. Those of you with wands out, put them away. I will not tolerate bad behaviour or disrespect in this class, understood?"

That was a very direct and mean way to address a class the first time you met them, thought Jasmine, frowning at the man. However, most of the first years around her had wide eyes and looked terrified. They quickly shoved their wands into their pockets and got out their books.

Professor Sanches waited until all was said and done, then he said. "For those of you who hope to achieve something in this class, taking notes and abiding by my rules is the best way to do it. For those of you here who want to do nothing but fool around, then I wish you luck in other areas of wizardry rather than you trying to waste your time pursuing the precise art of potions."

Jasmine took all this in, taking notes here and there. Professor Sanches, however, saw this as insolence, as he didn't realise what she was doing.

"And it seems we have someone who isn't paying attention," he glared at Jasmine. "Already."

The girl, who had just finished writing, looked up to see the professor staring at her.

"Excuse me?" She asked politely.

Professor Sanches studied her. "Miss Hart, is it?"

Jasmine nodded.

"Well, Miss Hart, could you please tell me what you intend to achieve in this class if you insist on ignoring me and not listening to what I say?" The professor asked, looking down at Jasmine with sardonic anger.

"But I was just doing what you said to do," Jasmine explained. "You said take notes-"

"Five points from Gryffindor for your cheek, Miss Hart," Sanches spoke fast.

𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 ❀ 𝐽𝑎𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑡 (HP Next Generation)Where stories live. Discover now