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The hat had finished and so had the sorting when McGonagall stood up and started to speak.

"I will not keep you from your supper much longer, tuck in!"

But tuck in to what? There were plenty of plates at the long Gryffindor table, but there was no food on them. Well, or so she thought.

The next second, food appeared on the plates. Everything from roast chicken to split peas. Jasmine looked at James in awe and dug in.

She took many bits of food she hadn't seen before, plus almost everything else. James chuckled and said. "Now I know the muggles don't feed you."

Jasmine shrugged, a smile on her face.

During the feast, Jasmine was introduced to loads of people.

First, a girl of about fifteen walked over. She had pale skin and quite blonde hair. James smiled as she came towards them.

"Hey, Dom!"

She smiled back. "James! Fred! Alice! All of you in Gryffindor! You better do us proud!"

"Of course," Alice laughed.

"Oh, and Jasmine! I saw you get sorted, I hope you keep this lot in check," the girl smiled, gesturing to her two cousins and one practical cousin.

Jasmine smiled kind of awkwardly as she added. "Dominique Weasley, pleased to meet you."

Jasmine felt like the introductions would never end. "Jasmine Hart."

"Dom's a beater on the quidditch team!" James said excitedly.

Quidditch had been brought up in their conversation on the train, Jasmine had asked what it was and it had been explained to her. It was a sport in the wizarding world, played on broomsticks with lots of positions (such as a beater) and a confusing scoring system James had tried to get Jasmine to understand. She still didn't.

Dominique smiled. "I do my best," she said modestly.

She then said she had to get back to her meal and left the four to get on with theirs.

Jasmine watched her go. "How many people are in your family?" She asked her three friends.

"A lot," was all James, Fred and Alice (even though she wasn't blood related) said.

She met more people as the feast went on.

Two sixth years called Victorie (who was Dominique's older sister) and Molly came over. Victorie was a Ravenclaw prefect and she had dirty blonde hair and a tanned face. Molly was in Gryffindor, and she had auburn hair and blue eyes. Jasmine introduced herself to them as well and they were pleased to meet her.

After them, Jasmine then found out Fred had a sister called Roxanne who was in second year. She had red hair like Fred and the same smirk on her face. She said Jasmine would be great for keeping her brother and James in check. Jasmine wasn't so sure.

Anyway, after that, there was more quidditch talk, as Roxanne talked about how she was trying out to be a chaser in the Gryffindor quidditch team. Jasmine just nodded, even if she didn't understand everything that was being said.

Then yet more people showed up after Roxanne left. A brown haired girl and a boy with blonde curls came up to them.

James joked to them as the came up. "Lucy! Louis! Here to congratulate the amazing new Gryffindors?"

"Shut up, James," a brown haired girl said. Jasmine knew that even though she didn't have red hair, like she was told and had seen most of the Weasley's had, she was still a family member. She knew they teased eachother like that.

𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 ❀ 𝐽𝑎𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑡 (HP Next Generation)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon