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Gryffindor versus Slytherin was always a good match. And a competitive one.

However, Jasmine was enjoying herself more than ever now she had two of her three best friends with her on the team.

"You ready for this?" She had asked James in the changing room.

The reply she got was. "I've been ready for this my whole life! You know dad's coming, as well?"

And it was true. Looking into the stands right then, Jasmine saw Harry, sitting with a grin on his face right in between Teddy and McGonagall. He was here to see his son's first match, and, hopefully, his son's first win.

And the match, to start with, was good. Jasmine, James and Roxanne worked well together to score three goals, but sadly, Slytherin had scored eight.

And soon, another was put in.

"Another goal for Slytherin!" Andrew Jordan, the commentator who was also Jess' boyfriend, said into the microphone boredly. "They lead Gryffindor ninety to thirty."

"Come on, Jess," Jasmine muttered. They could still win this if Jess got the snitch in time.

"Alright there, Jasmine? You seem a bit tense."

Samuel Nott's voice made her jolt out of her reverie as she turned to look at him, narrowing her eyes.

But doing that only made her almost get a bludger to the head.

She ducked low to her broom, watching as the bludger flew over her head, shooting round and up into the sky.

"Whoa! Careful, Jasmine!" Jess yelled down at her from where she was positioned, higher up in the sky, away from the action, looking for the snitch.

Now, Jasmine was expecting the stupid bludger to then go after someone else. Bludgers were supposed to try and knock everyone off their brooms.

But the bludger came straight back at Jasmine.

"JASMINE, LOOK OUT!" James yelled from where he was, with Roxanne, handling the quaffle.

Using all the speed her Nimbus 2000 had, Jasmine sped away from the bludger, as it continued to chase her across the pitch.

"What the f-?"

Bludgers were not supposed to do this. They were supposed to be floating about, and, yes they could injure players but they weren't focused on one person the whole game! They moved about!

Jasmine flew up and down and all the way round the stands but the bludger still wasn't letting up.

As she was forced to do a sort of twirl to avoid it, Nott smirked and called out. "Training for the ballet, Jasmine?"

"Nott, for once in your life, shut the fuck up!" Jasmine hollered back at him, speeding off again to avoid the stupid bludger.

However, as she did, she also noticed something. Jess was racing down to the ground on her broom, her face set.

She's seen it.

A thrill ran through Jasmine's body but it didn't change the fact that she was currently being chased by a bludger that would not let up.

She dived low to the ground as she realised it was coming back for her, seeing Nott take off after Jess.

"Come on, Jess, get it-" she started, soaring low, her feet scuffing the grass.

She thought she was escaping the bludger.

What she didn't notice was it connected straight towards her-

𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 ❀ 𝐽𝑎𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑡 (HP Next Generation)Where stories live. Discover now