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September first was there soon enough. Trunks were packed, laughs were had, and the Potters and Jasmine were soon at platform nine and three quarters once more.

There, they met with the two Weasley families and the Longbottoms, and also another family.

"Luna! Rolf!" Harry said as he walked towards this family who was standing beside the Longbottoms. From what Jasmine could see, it consisted of a blonde woman, a brown haired man and two kids who had dirty brown hair and looked alike, but one of which looked older, and was holding a trolley.

"Who are they?" Jasmine asked James, who was next to her.

"The Scammanders. That's Luna, she was my parents' friend at school," said James, pointing to the blonde woman. "And that's her husband Rolf, and her two kids Lysander and Lorcan. Lysander's in our year at Hogwarts. He only missed last year because their family was traveling."

Jasmine nodded. "Thanks, James."

The boy smiled as up ahead, Ginny and Harry greeted Luna and Rolf as well as Ron and Hermione, George and Angelina and Neville and Hannah.

Whilst their parents caught up, Jasmine got the chance to meet Lysander, who shook her hand enthusiastically and grinned.

"So, you guys ready to be sorted?" She asked Frank, Albus and Rose, who had been chatting to Lily, Hugo (Rose's younger brother) and August (Alice's younger sister) about Hogwarts.

"Yeah," James joined Jasmine, smirking. "To get sorted into Slyth-"

"Oh, give it a rest, James, I was asking Al, Frank and Rose," Jasmine rolled her eyes to the kids' laughs.

"Yes, I'm really excited," Rose answered for the both of them.

"I want to go!" Lily complained.

"Well, you can't, Lils," James said plainly.

"James! Stop being so insensitive!" Alice hit him on the arm.

"Ouch! That hurt, Ally!"

"Okay, come on!" Harry came over. "Time to go through the barrier kids, and Lils, no sneaking onto the train before we get through, I could live without having to pull you through the window!"

Lily giggled and sadly went to stand with Hugo and August as they watched all the others go through.

Jasmine watched Lysander, Alice, Fred, Roxanne, Frank, Rose, Albus, Lily, August and Hugo go through, before James looked at her, holding out his hand.

"Together?" He asked.

Jasmine grinned. "We gonna be continuing this every year?"

James chuckled. "I thought we could."

Jasmine smiled slightly, taking his hand and ignoring the thrill that ran through her at it, giving him a slight smile before the both of them took off running.

They got through the platform in a flash, and appeared at nine and three quarters, still grinning.

Jasmine took a look up at the big clock on the pillar behind her. Five minutes to.

Once all the parents were through, she stood to the side, watching, sighing, as they all said goodbye to their children.

But then Harry came over to her, hugging her tightly and saying. "Be safe this year, okay, Jasmine? And keep James out of trouble."

Jasmine smiled, facing him. "He'll probably be keeping me out of trouble."

Harry smiled. "Why do I think that's true?"

𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 ❀ 𝐽𝑎𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑡 (HP Next Generation)Where stories live. Discover now