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Here we are againnn

I will probably add more answers now and then because the questions will keep coming, but here are the first ones!!


"When are you gonna paint a newt on Newt's shirt for Newt?"

L - I think I had an error reading that.

L - ...

L - Oh, I'm supposed to answer? Right, sorry. Uhm, maybe someday. I don't want to hurt his feelings, you know?

"How to deal with anxiety?"

L - No one said this whole interview would bring up my search history.

L - ...I'm supposed to answer that too?

L - I don't know. Sorry

"Can I give you a massive hug please?"

L - I'd like that

"When are you going to make a move on Newt?"

L - Rather never.

"When will you date Newt?"

L - Hopefully one day. Don't tell him I said that.

"Would you return to the camp next year?"

L - Probably, yes!

L - If Newt & Lili are there.

"Why do you feel the need to protect Lelia, but never yourself?"

L - *looks around*

L - *turns back*

L - I don't think I actually have an answer ready for that.

L - Because Lili deserves it more. And I feel like a fool protecting myself because somewhere, people are right about what they say about me. That's not the case with Lelia, because she is amazing.

L - Is that a good answer?

"Why didn't you sock them little bitches in your childhood?"

L - Because I was a stick

L - Then I started going to the gym and thought that would help, but it only lead to finding out I'm just too afraid I'll cause permanent harm

L - I mean, I guess I have muscles now

"Why are you scared the past will hurt the future?"

L - Because it's true

L - I mean, imagine how different the world would have been had William Shakespeare not existed.

L - Or any historical painter

L - They made my life better

"Can I have your sister?"

L - Politely, no. You cannot.


"You prefer Jennifer over Minho more (let's be real)"

L - Don't tell him.

"When are you gonna marry Minho?"

L- When he gets on one knee.

L - And when he stops being a prick

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