The Mind of the Wrathful. The Fourth.

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A Few Facts

I like thunderstorms. Do you like thunderstorms? I sure do. In fact, I'm watching one right now. On May 23, 2011. Here I am on my back patio watching the storm. See... The thing about storms is you can always see them coming, but you never know how bad they're actually going to be until they hit.

I promise you, this is relevant.

Storms don't sneak up on you. I mean, you may not notice them rolling in at first, but you will eventually. And eventually you'll have one that completely destroys your yard, or your house, or your anything else. And you never can prepare because you never know how strong of a storm it will be, or how long it will last.

So, how is this relevant?is what you may be asking. Well, it's relevant because I have crashes. Have you ever read Deadline? Do you remember Ben's mom? Crashes. Yes. Crashes. For those of you who haven't read it, not only do I suggest that you do because it's an awesome book, but Ben's mother has major depression and she goes through these "crashes" where she locks herself in her bedroom and won't come out for days. And then, suddenly, she's okay again.

Yeah. I do that a lot. But, my happy periods don't last long at all. A week, maybe a week and a half. And then it's six or seven solid days of pure isolation. Lack of words from my mouth. Lack of appearances at home. The whole nine yards.

Like a storm, though, I can always see my crashes coming. But, I never know just how bad they'll be, or how long they'll last.

Sometimes my crashes make me do stupid things, like try to kill myself, or harm myself, or anything of the sort. I mean, given, I'm subject to do that kind of stuff at any time.

How many times have I tried?

A lot.

And I intend on succeeding.

You see, I made this world hell almost fifteen Earth revolutions ago. And I'll continue to make it hell until they drop me six feet under. If anyone cares enough to bury me in the first place.


1:) I love storms

2:) I hate me.

3:) Framing Hanley and Blink-182 are, like, my all time two favorite bands.

4:) My absolute favorite song comes between My Heroine by Silverstein, and It's Pretty Hard To Beat The King by Drop Dead Gorgeous.

5:) I think I care too much about what people think of me.

6:) My real name is _____ and I'm addicted to painkillers.

7:) I smoke when I get the chance

8:) I don't give two shits about my health.

9:) I want to be a music technician.

10:) I want to die.

Ta Da,

Maybe I'll do stuff like that more often so ya'll can get to know me a little more.

What should I make this installment about?

Oh, hm, I know. My first REAL boyfriend. We can call him... Xander. Because who wouldn't want to be named Xander? *awaits replies* eexxaaccttllyy.

So, Xander is a year older than me, right? -Keep in mind, I'm still in grade what? SEVEN! That's right.- So for all you math majors out there, that puts him in eighth grade. Good Job. I'm proud:D

He asks me out through a note which I recieve after last period. Which is Pre Algebra cause my parents have this fantasy that I'm super smart. Little do they know that I bullshit my way through math AND science.

The note says:

Will you go out with me?

That, my dears, is all it says. To which I write:


I know, pretty romantic, hm?

So, we're together<3333333333 It's loveee.

For two days.

And then, we're standing in line at lunch and WWHHAAA-PPAAMMMM!!!

Right in my damn ass.

I'm lost. So, I turn to Xander, who clearly didn't do it. *sarcasm* and instead, blames it on a kid named James. Strike One.

The next day, I'm talking to my best friend at the time- Logan- and Xander comes up to me and pulls me away by my wrist.

"Don't you dare be talking to no fucking boys, girl," he says.

Strike Two.

A couple days later, we're sitting outside on the front lawn of the school.

"I have to tell you something." he says.


"You can't call me tonight. I"m going to the movies with Hayden."

"....That's cheating, Xander!"

"I can do what I want, girl," he says.

Strike three. You're out.  

Me and Xander are no more. To this day, we STILL don't talk. I don't even look at the pig.

He can get raped by a shark and die in a hole.





Peace, homesss.:D

And no, no smart ass last sentence.

Just my final farewell to Xander.


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