Jae II

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It was clear why the bodyguard sent these men with Jae. The detective was the liaison, the buffer between Jae and the girl downstairs, who would be the bridge between the two groups. The two Frenchmen were the weak links.

Painfully thin, limp-wristed, unathletic gait, I doubt he's ever thrown a punch. His partner is better, but ill-suited to the scenario: broad shoulders, suspicious eyes, disciplined physique, he reeks of law enforcement. But what can he do against the Man in Black? Die.

Jae was already wearing his true skin, the lovely suit of armor his beloved, abandoned Soo made for him. His fingers longed to hold his best friend, but he must be patient. Jae could have easily reached the girl by himself in a matter of seconds, but he had to take the elevator with the hangers-on, and so the seconds torturously ticked by in their slow descent.

Soon all these fools will be dead, and then Park and I can return to Korea, to peace.

He hadn't wanted to abandon Soo in the van with the Priya woman, but it was the safest option. After Priya demonstrated a translation app to facilitate conversation, Park insisted on staying.

"It's been too long since I've had girl time." Park had explained. "Leave me here, I'll be super safe and have fun to boot!"

"Your wish is my command, beloved. I'll return to you soon, I can't bear to be apart from you for long."

"Time away from you is dreadful, but it's healthy. Besides, I'm sure you'll have plenty of fun with your new friends, they're going to take you to beat up a bunch of bad guys!" Park cried, and made fists of her dainty, soft hands.

Jae took her hands into his and placed them on either side of the hideous mask the surgeons had sculpted for him. He gazed into her eyes and was about to speak before she spoke again:

"Oh! Remember, you're not allowed to kill anyone unless they really try to kill you! I don't care if they hit you, tase you, pepper spray you, or call you names: you're only allowed to knock them silly unless they start acting stabby or shooty, understand?" Park put on her best attempt at a scowl and that made Jae's heart smile.

"Of course, my love. Anything for you." And Jae had followed his unwanted companions into Rossi Tower.

Now, the elevator dinged open on their desired floor. Jae allowed the detective to step out first and followed him to a heavy metal security door.

"Makoto, open up." The detective spoke into his earpiece, and a second later, the doors hissed open. Inside the security room, a metal box with monitors and a desk littered with instruments, a girl turned around in a swivel chair.

"Why were you so slow?" The girl complained. "I was waiting and–is that Supah-J?!" The girl cried in confusion.

Jae nearly vomited.

"You know him?" The young detective asked, stupidly, as he looked back and forth between the girl and Jae.

"He was a member of B.A.N.G. before he went solo! Now he's in movies with Rosaline de la Vega and he's supposed to release his solo album and oh my god what is he doing here?!" The girl squealed.

Remember what Park said. Remember what Park said. Remember what Park said. Jae played his mantra in his head over and over, the love he held for Park was the only thing that stopped him from breaking the girl's face.

"B.A.N.G.? The Korean pop group?" The detective asked, demonstrating his amazing deductive abilities.

"Yes." Jae spoke, the edge in his voice getting sharper.

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