Marco X

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"...and yeah, then we ended up here." Marco finished his story. Mike just sat there, still as a statue, and stared at Marco.

Is he dead? Sleeping with his eyes open?

Then Mike adjusted in his seat, causing Marco to jump a little.

"Alright, look, if I hadn't seen what I've seen, I'd think you were on some hardcore drugs or the most schizophrenic person in the world. Lucky for you, I have seen what I've seen, so I'm just more dumbfounded. Unfortunately, the public hasn't seen what I've seen, so running this story would be pointless." Mike explained, emphasizing his speech in a way that kept Marco's attention.

"So what, we're fucked?" Clay asked.

"Au contraire, my tiny Texan friend. Print media can't validate this story, but video journalism can."

"So we do it on my show?" Dallas asked.

"Pffft, fuck no. Run it on your show and you can kiss any credibility this story has goodbye." Mike scoffed.

Dallas looked like he was shot through the heart. Mike appeared to ignore him as he leaned forward on his desk, steppling his hands under his chin.

"I propose we do something radical, something undeniable." Mike was salivating at whatever plan was running through his mind and Marco started to worry.

"What do you have in mind?" Dr. Minerva asked.

"This evening, a presidential debate will be hosted in the TV studio downstairs." Mike began. "I say we go down there and join the Q&A portion, one of you fine, super-powered young men get up there and ask President Richardson 'What do you know about superhumans?' And then wham! You pull out the light show." Mike finished with panache.

Marco was stunned. Looking around the room, he could see his companions felt much the same. It was Clayton who spoke up first.

"Now, I'm just a good ol' country boy, so ion know much 'bout fancy city folk journalism, but that's about the dumbest fuckin' idea I ever did hear." Clay said.

"I agree with the child." Dr. Will said.

" certainly is...creative..." Dr. Minerva tried.

"Mike..." Dallas said, barely a whisper, his eyes wide and his mouth but a slit.

He looked like a man who had just been struck by lightning

"...that is...the BEST idea you ever had! C'mon now, bring it in, y'ol wily sumbitch!" Dallas was jubilant as he walked across the room and pulled Mike in for a bear hug, which the bearded reporter gratefully accepted.

You've got to be kidding me...

"Are we seriously doin' this?" Marco's voice broke up the embrace.

"'Course we are. Look at this puzzle anyway ya want, there's only one solution." Dallas said.

"Yeah, kid. No one is going to call both presidential nominees liars when they say they saw a kid shoot a ball of light out of his hand. And the people watching at home aren't all going to think it's just computer effects. We do it my way, no one can question what you say, the superpowers prove the conspiracy shit, and you won't go to jail for kidnapping these two bozos," Mike motioned to the two doctors that Clay was holding at gunpoint, "in fact, they'll probably be the ones to go on trial."

I can't think of a better plan, and if I don't take a chance, I might never be able to go home again...

"Let's do it." Marco proclaimed.

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