Interchat Log, Private Room (Live Investigations), TRUE CRIME Board,

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InspektorHarlan54 (MOD): Now that we've established foul play,let's hear everyone's theories. As always, Mods first starting with Naomi

BlackDahliah_Dame (MOD): Well, the police say there were no shots fired, contradicting witness statements. It could've been a car backfiring, but there's no way to know for sure                                                                      BlackDahliah_Dame (MOD): the security footage missing is suspicious as well. The secretary said Mr. Ahn stayed late often, so his being there after hours isn't out of order. However, getting a visit from his son and three strangers? BlackDahliah_Dame (MOD): They have to be our prime suspects. Especially the son, Ahn Jae Yoon. BlackDahliah_Dame (MOD): I yield the floor

InspektorHarlan54 (MOD): Thanks Naomi. Now for Dante's opening remarks.

NotLostUntilForgotten (MOD): Well, I agree with Naomi on all points, Especially Ahn's son being the prime suspect. NotLostUntilForgotten (MOD): The dirt sheets always talked about how they had a rocky relationship NotLostUntilForgotten (MOD): But it was always said to be estranged rather than hateful. I don't see a major motive for the prime suspect NotLostUntilForgotten (MOD): But nobody being able to get in contact with him is majorly suspicious. NotLostUntilForgotten (MOD): I yield the floor

InspektorHarlan54 (MOD): Great, thanks Dante. We will now give the floor to our more junior members. We'll start with Sarah

SleuthSiren_: Ok so, i'd like to disclose a bias SleuthSiren_: I was a major fan of B.A.N.G. when I was growing up and I had their posters, even a signed individual poster of SUPAH-J, the stage name for the prime suspect, Ahn Jae Yoon
SleuthSiren_: That being said, I do agree that he has to be the Prime Suspect at this time.
SleuthSiren_: not only because of what everyone else has said, but because Jae is supposed to be the live-in boyfriend of american actress/singer Rosaline de la Vega, sharing her private home in San Diego SleuthSiren_: But CCTV shows Jae in Korea at the time of the murder SleuthSiren_: I agree the motive is weak, but the only other thing I could think of was some type of corporate espionage gone wrong. SleuthSiren_: I yield the floor.

InspektorHarlan54 (MOD): Very insightful, and thank you for disclosing your bias.
InspektorHarlan54 (MOD): I will now yield the floor to Vickie

VforVillian: I like Sarah's corporate theory
VforVillian: My dad is really into the stock exchange, and he said that there are lots of rival plastics and polymers companies in Korea that have been trying to outdo Puleun Dal Plastics for ages
  VforVillian: Dad said that Ahn was untouchable, though. Says Ahn was like a wizard when it came to business, like he had insider information that no other company could get.
VforVillian: I think this could be a lot bigger than just a son's revenge on his father. We'll have to wait for more information before we go full conspiracy though. VforVillian: I yield the floor

End of Log

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