François VIII

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"Evil Germans? In America?" Remy looked at François like he was telling a terrible joke.

"Yes! Not just the Germans, look at this," François turned his laptop to face Remy as they sat at the table in Remy's room at trump tower, "look, General William Arthur Macmillan, United States Secretary of Defense. Elisio Hector Fernandez, CEO of weapons manufacturer Titan Enterprises. Sarah Hanover, Director of the CIA, and Norihito Kageyama, of Kageyama Medical Manufacturing and Bio-Engineering!"

"So what?"

"What do you mean 'so what'?! These are all the people from my dream!"

"I still don't see your point. You have these dreams of the future all the time, what's so special about this one? It's not like they always come true."

"Idiot! It's a conspiracy! They're probably planning to overthrow the government if they haven't already!"

"But you said the President was there. Benedict Something-or-Other, maybe you just saw a government meeting?"

"No chance! Especially not when there are Nazis on freaky life support systems involved!"

"Just because they're Germans doesn't mean they're Nazis. Plus, you said you couldn't even see them that well because it was dark-"

"I know what I said! Just...just trust me. We have to do something."

"Ok, ok, calm down," Remy rolled his eyes and sighed, "one conspiracy at a time. We have to stop the assassination first before we try anything else." Remy insisted.

"Fine." François sighed. "Is there any news on the video feed?"

"Same as always, his woman goes out for groceries and he makes a bomb."

"You've seen her?"

"No, just heard her on the feed. The camera doesn't get a good shot of the bed or front door, it's mostly just his workbench. I knew I should've bought more. How many days until the assassination?"

"Two. We really need to work on our plan."

"What more of a plan do you need than 'find him before he pulls the gun on the Senator'?" Remy laughed.

"Shouldn't we have a sniper? Or maybe a getaway car?"

"Sure," Remy lit a cigarette "if you're going to pay for all that shit."

They hadn't been to the Mockingbird Inn since they planted the camera a week ago. There was no need now that they had the twenty-four-hour video feed of Daniel's room. So, François had spent his time doing general tourist things, visiting the Statue of Liberty and going to Central Park, among other things. He also frequently visited clubs with Remy, drinking himself stupid while offending women. Remy, however, always seemed to get lucky, which infuriated François to no end.

It's my clothes and my money that attracts them. But they only ever stay with him. Filthy dog...

However, when François came to Remy's door that night in his best silk shirt and designer trousers, Remy was dressed in his regular clothing.

"What's going on? I thought we were going to the club tonight?"

"Change of plans, we got a problem." Remy grabbed François and pulled him into the room.

"Hey, hey, hey! Watch it, putain, this shirt is worth more than your car!"

"Shut up, moron. Look at this." Remy forced François into a chair facing his computer that was showing the video feed from Daniel's room.

"Yeah, it's the assassin, making bombs. What's the problem?"

"Look at the serial number on this piece of pipe. Six-four-eight-eight-five-nine-two-three. Now, look at the serial number in the pipe used in the bomb he made 'yesterday'." Remy pulled up an archived video and François looked at the serial number.

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