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Severus Pov

I awoke the next morning with a very sore back, I was pressed against something, or well....I was sort of holding something. I was too tired to find out what it was, all I knew was it was nice and warm, so I snuggled closer to whatever it was.

Although the moment it moaned and moved to grab my hand my eyes shot open and I jumped back. It was y/n.
"Fucking hell!" I screamed, god how I regretted saying that. "Shut up, you sound like a school girl." She said.

Little bitch

"Oi! I heard that!"

Oh yeah I forgot about the legilimens thing. Surprisingly after a while she also came to realise the situation, we decided to shrug it off and carry on with life, we awkwardly walked back to the castle. My hair was a mess and she looked even worse, twigs and sticks in her hair. It was quite a funny sight, although we got such judgemental looks walking through the hallways. One death stare and the students were back to minding their own business ,so I wasn't too bothered.

If I'm being honest with myself I sort of like the way y/n felt, in my arms, so close to me once again. I relished in the feeling. It felt....nice. It was this moment I had realised it, it was y/n I smelt in the Amortentia potion. It was her that gave off the smell of new books, salty sea water, roses and honey.
(Sorry if those are not the best to describe your scent 😅 I just thought it fit well, but you can change it if you like, don't ask me where I got salty
water from)

At first I didn't want to admit it, when we stopped being friends I went back to my crush on Lilly, trying to be as far from y/n as possible. Turns out Lilly just happened to be a...distraction. Had I had feelings for y/n all this time? My thoughts were cut off when she said.

"Alright Severus...*yawn*...this is where we part, I'll see you at lunch." She gave me a half wave and went to her chambers, that reminded me I needed to go and shower, we had slept through breakfast. Good thing it was Sunday.

As I showered I thought of this so called crush of mines. There is no way she would feel the same, after all these years? No way. I wanted to push these feelings I had for her deep down and that seemed to work for the time being.

Y/n pov

(Start playing the song at the top of the screen about the title)

It's been a few months since I fell asleep with Severus under the stars. Ever since that day, every week we have been sneaking out of the castle on Saturdays and going there to just relax and enjoy eachothers company.

Spending more and more time with that man just made me want him more and more. I had excepted the fact I like him now, at first it was a very difficult decision to get through but in the end I knew it was my curse. Whether you like it or not, if you care for someone so much, you grow to love them. Severus was the only person I had growing up, apart from my brother. Even now though, over the years my brother and I drifted apart slightly, only seeing each other once every two months . I knew I was the only person Severus had. It was just us, every day, ever since Lilly stopped their friendship, our's formed and our bond grew stronger every day.

I keep getting flashbacks of us as kids, sharing joints on the train ride to Hogwarts. Laughing under the tree by the black lake. Sneaking into the teachers lounge to snag some liquor. Stumbling drunk down the stairs at 3:00 in the morning.

Seeing him after all this time reminded me of how much I really cared for this man, he was a broken guy, I knew that from the start. All I ever wanted to do was to nurture him,look after him, hold him in my arms every day and let him know I was there for him and he....was loved.
I cared for the little bastard more than myself. Even then, he kept me going, he made me smile every day. He helped me, looked after me, made sure if I was having a bad day, I would at least smile once. Thinking back on it, I would do anything to be taken back to the night we met.

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