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"what?" I said in confusion. Before we could carry on, Dumbledore started talking. He did his little start of the year speech, warning the first years about going into the forbidden forest, not going to the third floor, and the rest of that yada yada nobody really cared about.

The first years were getting sorted and I couldn't help but see Severus slightly looking at me from the corner of my eye, I wanted to speak to him so badly. The first years were about to finish getting sorted when I spotted what they apparently call "The Golden Trio" and there he was Harry Potter.

He was there with his two friends Hermione Granger, a rather smart and bright witch and his best friend Ronald Weasley. I turned to see Severus slightly eyeing the group, but I decided to ignore it. I was quite excited,this year was going to be pretty busy, apparently the Yule Ball is happening this year and the Triwizard Tournament.

After Dumbledore finally finished and the food was layed out I turned to speak to Severus. "What were you saying?" "Nothing."

"Ok...anyways as I was saying I've decided to just leave our bad past behind and maybe we could-" before I could finish the little bitch cut me of. "Can you not talk to me right now, I have no intention of speaking to you y/n..." That hurt me quite a bit, normally I would of caused a scene but I have learnt to just push the old me down,that's why I act so lovely to everyone.

We finished outlr dinner in silence..well, Severus did,alot of the teachers were talking to me and we all started catching up. I wondered why none of them talked to Severus,I decided to talk to Minerva about it later.

Dinner ended shortly after and I went to my chambers, it was just next to Severus', the dark arts was taught in the dungeons so they figured to keep my office and chambers in there aswell. The only things is that most teachers were at the top floor so if I needed anyone it would be a long journey,I had to rely on Snape for anything. I wondered how he could just isolate himself from everyone,there are so many people around him everyday and he still manages to keep to himself, If I know Severus well which I do, I know he's good at covering his emotions but I never thought he'd still be doing that.

I went to bed, excited for my first day as a teacher, first I had the second years, then fourth years, then third, then sixth and then first years, and of course the fifth years at the end of the day. I slept 'alright' if you could call it that.

The next morning I got up and changed into a white turtle neck and some simple jeans.

The next morning I got up and changed into a white turtle neck and some simple jeans

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I was planning on spending most of my time in my office but...the thing is that my office was Severus' old storage area, so he still needed time to clear it out. It was as big as any old office,it was just extra space so he decided to use it...we'll, at least until I showed up.

He was not in a happy mood, I visited him in the morning after breakfast to ask him how far he had gotten.... BAD IDEA.

"I am planning on getting it done miss y/l/n, you were always so impatient,I guess that never changed." He said in almost a snap.
I decided right then and there I was done with his bullshit.

"Alright first of all I am Y/L to YOU and second of all, don't be all bitchy to me just because you didn't wanna see me, it not my fault your still an asshole after all these years Severus." I felt a little mean for saying that but he knows I was not going to be pushed around. "What.Did you just say to me?" "You heard me loud and clear,do I need to spell it out for you?" I think that really pissed him of because the next thing I know he is shouting at me to get out, I tried to argue back but I just decided to go to my classroom instead.

When I got there the second years were well behaved luckily so things didn't go too badly, forth years were a little....annoyed, I think it's all the ruccuss going on, since they have to actually start putting in effort since their grades will start to actually matter. It will show how well they do in their N.E.W.T.S and we all know how important that is.

Anyways the school day basically flew by and I was ready to head to my chambers, dinner had just finished, Severus left slightly earlier than the rest of us but I didn't really care much. I decided to avoid him for the next few months,he seemed really grumpy.

Time skip

October came round pretty fast, the kids were excited for Halloween,we weren't doing any trick or treating but the teachers had to take the kids to Hogsmead so they could get at least some candy. I was assigned to go with Minerva, we took the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors.

"Minerva,I was thinking, I know it's a little early but i wanted to ask you if you knew what's the plan for Halloween,and what will Severus be doing?"

"Oh, well the children are going to buy their goodies and all, and we will have a feast with more of the richer foods and more Scottish dishes;and no I am not sure what Severus will be doing. Why?"

"Well, I mean Halloween won't be easy for him, I heard about what happened to Lilly Potter when the Dark Lord had fallen, Severus and lilly were close friends before we met, apparently something has and they stopped being friends,that's when we met eachother. I know he always felt guilty. I can only imagine him after her death."

"Oh yes, Severus hardly even comes out during Halloween,I feel bad for the lad. He deserves love." At that lady part Minerva looked at me and slightly smirked so that could only make me wonder. "What? You don't suppose it's me that will give him love...do you?" "I don't know,love works in mysterious ways." I decided to just throw it over my shoulder,I wasn't gonna fight with Minerva, she is a wonderful woman.

After a while the kids got their stuff and we went back to school, I say next to Severus during dinner, I know he snapped at me but I wasn't going to make him suffer alone. "So Sev what's the plan for Halloween?" I said. "Sev? You haven't called me that since we were children y/n." He said Aha he finally called me y/n!

"Yeah, well...I guess so. Although I..uhm..well, is it a problem?" "No, I suppose it's not a train smash." Ok that's good, I didn't want to put him in a bad mood.

Severus Pov

She called me 'Sev' I haven't heard anyone call me that in at least a few years, well...it was really only her that called me that, I'm glad she said Sev instead of Sevy like she used to, I can't really expect her to call me that anyways really. We aren't best friends anymore. Just as I was about to float of into another thought she said something.

"Hm?" I didn't quite get what she said. "I said how's things going. Like with your students and e.t.c" "Fine."
I didn't mean for my answer to come out so short but, I couldn't care less, it was a Friday and I was tired. "You seem tense, Severus." She trailed of into thought for a minute.

"How about this! Come with me to our old spot!"

What? Our...old spot? Why would she want to take me there, I haven't went to that area since we...stopped being friends. What does she want? Should I just say no. Or yes, I want to say yes but I don't know-

"Severus, stop trailing of and tell me your gonna come."

Gonna come? The realisation struck my face and my eyes opened slightly wider, damn myself and my dirty mind!


I'm going to stop there cause I am absolutely exhausted, I hope you're enjoying the story so far.

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