The Mock

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(omg guys I found this photo on Pinterest, I didn't even know it existed 🤭 obviously I know it's photoshopped and fake, but let a girl live a little, let me have my moment 😁)


*A few weeks later, after the 'Minerva incident'*

Severus Pov

I couldn't help but notice some of the students seemed to be whispering around me quite often. Especially when I'm with Y/n.

I've had certain episodes where I think about her, those big beautiful (y/e/c) eyes, her smile, oh her smile is worth millions- wait, no Severus, you should not be having those thoughts.

I scolded myself for having such thoughts , y/n and I have just become friends again, maybe about 5-6 months or so now, I wasn't going to screw what we have up....again. Anyways, about the students, they've been talking a lot during my classes, and when y/n has free periods since Quirel takes some of the classes, she comes and spends the time in my classroom, watching over the students and reading in the corner.
Very rarely while students are around we have these small moments where we laugh a little, or chuckle under our breaths.

Although there is one part in particular. One that had me quite amused

Y/n Pov (rewind to 1 week ago)

As usual on a Thursday, I had no classes last period, since Quirel took the last class. I was in Severus' class, observing again, just to pass the time by. He was teaching the 5th years, one of my favourite potions in particular 'Amortentia'.

He stood up in his usual hard-faced self and addressed the class to what potion they shall be doing. Hands behind his back, he started talking in his deep, monotone voice. "Today class we shall be learning how to brew one of the world's most dangerous potions, Amortentia. Also known as the strongest love potion known to man kind."

I was feeling rather giddy that day so while he ranted on about the rules they should follow during the time brewing I got up slowly behind him, in a sneaking motion as to not being heard by him.

The students gave me weird looks, although that only increased the fun. As soon as I got fully up I moved slightly to my left so I was in clear view of the class, still trying to make sure I was not seen by Severus.

I then put my finger over my lips as in to tell the children to be quiet, as soon as I did that I quickly stood straight up, fixed my posture and had my hands locked behind my back, with my head held high in the air. If you couldn't already tell, I was mimicking the dark and brooding man Infront of me.

The students focus was completely on me now, some trying to hold back a smile and some turning around pretending to get something from there satchels as an excuse to stiffle a laugh.

I smiled sinisterly and started moving my mouth in sync with Snape's, and eventually all you saw was professor Snape teaching his class as normal,while the teacher behind him stood and silently mocked him, trying to bring out the fun in the classroom.

Not long after a few minutes he finished his speech, smirked lightly at the class, and then said while still facing his students, coming to a close "Now if you had paid attention, instead of keeping focus on proffesor y/l/n mocking me from behind, you should know exactly what to do. And if not, you have proffesor y/l/n to thank, for distracting you when you were supposed to be listening to important instructions." I froze, the class froze, everyone staring at the man Infront, he turned around, gave me a wink, and sat at his desk.

All of us still frozen in place he said "Well go on, what are you lot waiting for?" Even after he said that nobody dared to move, they didn't even know what the first step was. "Miss y/l/n if you would be so kind, teach the class of your knowledge on Amortentia, so they don't have to sit there like daft gooses and watch me mark papers." He smirked at me from the side, knowing potions was never my strong subject. Little did he know, after graduating I went further in potions and got a degree in it 'Ha! Suck on that Sev!'

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